New Gruesome Details Emerge After Graphic Novelist Arrested for Murder of Model Girlfriend

Comic book writer and graphic novelist Blake Leibel, 35, was arrested for the murder of his model girlfriend Iana Kasian A recently released autopsy report reveals the horrific details of the murder.

Kasian was murdered in her apartment in West Hollywood in May of 2016 in a gruesome fashion. She was scalped and drained of blood. Leibel’s graphic novel, Syndrome, describes this part of her murder. Her autopsy report also shows that she had human bite marks on her jaw. Her ear was also torn off. Her body was found lying next to her two month old baby on a bed. Her cause of death as reported by the Los Angeles Department of the Medical Examiner was ruled exsanguination or the act of draining a person of blood. The secondary cause of death was blunt force trauma.

Iana Kasian

Blake Leibel is a Canadian real estate heir and millionaire. At the time of his girlfriend’s murder he was on bail for rape according to the Daily Mail. Leibel was arrested after he attempted to blockade police from entering the home. He used pieces of furnite to block the entrance to their apartment.

Leibel introduced his comic series, United Free Worlds, in 2008 at New York Comic Con. He also wrote To Hell And Back where he collaborated with a number of comic book artists including Tim Seeley, Scott Hampton, Eduardo Baretto, and Nick Bell among others. His graphic novel, Syndrome, tells the story of a rogue neuropathologist who identifies the root of all evil in the recesses of the human brain. The doctor stops it nothing to pursue his work even enlisting the help of a tormented motion picture director and a condemned serial killer.

Kasian’s mother, Olga, filed a $56 million wrongful death lawsuit against Leibel. Olg has also taken custody of the couple’s now 1-year-old daughter.

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