Opinion: Jenna Ortega Doesn’t Oppose Political Correctness – She Opposes Being The Target

Actress Jenna Ortega has made a few comments over the last several months criticizing the political uptightness of the Hollywood System. These comments have made a lot of people believe that the actress has become one of the few outspoken voices in Hollywood against political correctness.
However, that could not be further from the truth.

Jenna Ortega didn’t make a statement against Hollywood’s political correctness because she feels like the industry has taken a step too far. She took a stand against political correctness because now she has become the victim of the same culture that launched her career.
Several months ago, Jenna Ortega and actress Melissa Barrera were the faces of the newer, more “progressive” Scream franchise. Critics were in love until the actresses decided that they were going to take a political stance in favor of Palestine over Israel following the terror attack by Hamas that resulted in the death of 1,400 people last October.

As a result of Melissa’s condemnation of Israel in support of Palestine, she was removed from the screen franchise and Jenna Ortega quietly exited the franchise along with her just a day later. While Ortega wasn’t as outspoken as her co-star, the actress made it no secret that she shared the same opinion that got Barbara booted from Scream.
When the target of canceled culture became actress Jenna Ortega’s friend, she suddenly realized that the industry had become far too politically correct for her liking.

The actress told Variety in an interview, “The business that we work in is so touchy-feely,” Ortega said. “Everybody wants to be politically correct, but I feel like, in doing that, we lose a lot of our humanity and integrity because it lacks honesty.”
Ortega continued, “I wish that we had a better sense of conversation. Imagine if everyone could say what they felt and not be judged for it and, if anything, it sparked some sort of debate, not an argument. Am I describing world peace?”

On the heels of these comments, many have mistakenly given Ortega credit for being some kind of a free-speech activist who wants there to be a Level Playing Field when it comes to celebrity opinions in Hollywood. Well, that synopsis sounds like a great work of fiction and is simply not the reality of the situation. Just look at Ortega’s past actions when it comes to the political opinions of others.
Ortega believes that Hollywood has become dishonest with its political correctness for the sole reason that now she and her friends are not allowed to publicly voice their political opinions without hostile resistance from those in her industry. But several years ago, she had no problem going after others who did not share her political opinions, even if it meant their careers were destroyed in the process.
Ortega spent three seasons on the Disney Channel show Stuck in the Middle, which she co-led with fellow actress Ronni Hawk. The show was fairly successful, lasting a total of 57 episodes, but things did not end well between the two co-stars, due mainly to Ortega’s reaction to Hawk’s social media history.
In 2018, Hawk became the subject of social media ridicule for both following then-President Donald Trump on Twitter and responding to calls for gun control from left-wing activists following the Parkland High School Shooting by voicing support for Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

“Listennnnn y’all,” wrote the actress on February 16th. “Yes, this shooting was a horrific, tragic event but yelling at our government WILL NOT HELP US!!!!”
“Does anyone remember when alcohol was banned then everyone started underground selling,” she added in a follow-up tweet, “guns will be the same; WE need to protect ourselves.”

Over the next several months Hawk was subject to intense social media backlash over her support of President Trump to the point where the actress was forced to apologize publicly for citing many right-wing issues.
“The truth is I was 16 years old when I put that post out there and at 18 I now know I was not informed enough on several subjects to be posting blindly,” Hawk continues. “What I do know is that being on the show has been one of the most special things in my life and I do not take it for granted. I learned so much from this show about injustices that take place in the world and that being silent is just as bad as doing nothing. So to my fans, I’m deeply sorry if I offended any of you. I promise that in the future I will not make statements without being fully informed. ”

Hawk’s apology did not save her show however, which was ultimately canceled weeks before her apology. What ended up being the death blow to Hawk’s career was Jenna Ortega, who just two days after Hawk apologized for her beliefs, threw Hawk under the bus – labeling her with accusations of racism against Mexicans for her support of Donald Trump.
“When someone says they hope Trump builds a wall that Mexican should be deported because they’re taking educational funds from white people just because they’re minorities.. and then they go to claim their Latina when it works for them,” Ortega tweeted, ostensibly calling into question Hawk’s own claimed Latina heritage. “Smh.”

In a follow-up tweet, Ortega further buried her relationship with Hawk, asserting, “When you say all Mexicans are gardeners to my face and A Mexican and yet you have the privilege to play one on TV. yes, I said privilege.”

As a result of Ortega’s tweet storm, which is still up to this day, many believed that Ronni Hawk deserved to have her career destroyed..
In five years Ortega has never taken back or apologized for her comments towards Hawk, which is solid enough reasoning to conclude that the actress stands by what she said.

Now based on these comments does this sound like someone who cares about the politically correct monster that the Hollywood industry has created for itself?
Are we to believe that Jenna Ortega now cares about how touchy-feely the business has become when it comes to the political opinions of others? Or could it possibly be that Jenna Ortega had no remorse about destroying the career of one of her co-stars when said co-star was on the side of her political opposition?

But now that the political heat from Hollywood is coming down on her political opinion, she believes the industry has gone too far with trying to be politically correct.
Ortega’s career took off after the Hawk incident, landing her leading parts in such high-profile projects as Scream and, of course, Wednesday. But now the actress finds herself walking on eggshells having to suppress her Pro-Palestine opinions.

Ortega’s comments come not from principal but from convenience. If Ortega wanted to take out a co-star for pointing out that the southern border has become such a disaster that it’s become a threat to National Security, she would have no problem in loading up the metaphorical gun and taking out her opposition herself. But now that she can see that the laser sights of the industry are being pointed in her direction suddenly she wants everyone to come to a compromise.
The next time you hear Ortega frame herself as someone deeply concerned about the political backlash of being outspoken in Hollywood, just make sure you ask her when was the last time she spoke with Ronni Hawk.
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