Stan Lee Appears to Be Struggling in New Interview Where He Discusses Elder Abuse Allegations

The real-life drama surrounding comic book icon Stan Lee has been in the public since at least the beginning of 2018. Stan Lee recently opened up about all the apparent chaos in life in highly detailed interview alongside his daughter, J.C. Lee, and her lawyer Kirk Schenk.

Lee spoke with The Daily Beast to set the record straight and provide his own insight into what’s been happening in his life.

In the first part of the interview, Daily Beast reporter Mark Ebner makes a comment about real-life drama. Lee quickly dismisses it ” There really isn’t that much drama. As far as I’m concerned, we have a wonderful life. I’m pretty damn lucky.”

Lee’s opening remarks rebuff the idea that there is quite a bit of drama and chaos going on in his life:

“There really isn’t that much drama. As far as I’m concerned, we have a wonderful life. I’m pretty damn lucky. I love my daughter, I’m hoping that she loves me, and I couldn’t ask for a better life. If only my wife was still with us. I don’t know what this is all about.”

Stan would go on to address reports of elder abuse against him by his daughter.

“I wish that everyone would be as abusive to me as JC.” Stan Lee continues, “She is a wonderful daughter. I like her. We have occasional spats. But I have occasional spats with everyone. I’ll probably have one with you, where I’ll be saying, “I didn’t say that!” But, that’s life.”

The Daily Beast interviewer Mark Ebner would push Stan on the subject of J.C.s alleged elder abuse claiming that Lee’s former manager Keya Morgan is talking to anyone he can about J.C.’s abuse and is claiming he’s been with Lee for 10 years.

Lee’s daughter J.C. interjects, “No. He was with him for six months—that period of time. And a year or two before.” Then Stan adds, “As Joanie says, he was with me for about six months. I found out that he wasn’t really what I signed on for. So, I let him go.” Lee appears to be skeptical that Morgan is making the accusations, “I don’t know that he was. But it wouldn’t surprise me, no.”

Lee would then go on to talk about his relationship with Morgan. He even describes him as a knight, “He was Sir Galahad… He was a guy helping me. I can’t do everything. I thought he’d maybe help J.C. It didn’t work. In fact, he turned out to be quite a disappointment. I think he was wanted by the police, but I’m not sure.” It’s unclear Lee’s intention, but Galahad is the illegitimate son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic. However, he was also one of the three men to obtain the Holy Grail and he was known for his gallantry and purity.

Later on in the interview, Lee would address a video where Stan Lee tells Keya Morgan that her lawyer Kirk Schenk is giving her drugs and that he’s a bad influence on his daughter.

“Well, I heard that he had been saying things against her. But that doesn’t surprise me, because there is so much of that happening in Hollywood. When you stop working for somebody, you can have an unfriendly misalliance.”

Schenk denies that he supplied drugs to J.C. and J.C. explains why he wouldn’t be needed to give her marijuana, “That’s what I say. It’s legal now. If I want to, I can drive down the street and buy it.”

Ebner then presses Lee for clarity asking, “Stan, where are you at today in your relationship with Mr. Schenk?” J.C. intervenes and tries to explain the question:

“Daddy, this is what he’s saying: Keya. Bad-ass Keya said terrible things about me, and also about Kirk. And he’s just saying, to set things straight, “Do you really think Kirk is supplying your daughter with drugs and is this bad person?” He’s not. Kirk helps me out.”

Stan responds, “My daughter has a friendship with Kirk for 30, 40 years.” J.C. corrects him, ” No, a few years! What are you saying—thirty, forty years? I’ve been friends with Kirk for 4 or 5 years.”

After questioned again about the video Morgan made Stan answers, “I must have been talking about someone else. People are always talking about people here.  Maybe somebody mentioned that to me at the time, but it’s never something I would say.”

Ebner also brought up one of Stan Lee’s old managers, Max Anderson. There’s been accusations that Anderson is ripping off Lee and could be using his intellectual property.

Lee informs Ebner, “No, not any more. He was doing that for a while.” However, his daughter interjects, “He still has your property. You don’t know what he’s doing with it.” Lee then clarifies his statement, “I mean, there’s nothing I’m doing with him.”

Ebner then questions J.C. about the allegations made against her. He specifically asks her if she yells at Stan.

J.C. notes that with Stan’s hearing failing, she has had to yell at him, but she also points to Scientology as one of the reasons there’s been quite a bit of chaos around Stan Lee and his family.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t until the last ten years or so—never before. Having someone not being able to hear, and also having a strong personality that—you know, he’s a strong guy. But, you know, he can’t hear. We’re not alone, and there’s always other people and influences, and I find that, yes, I’ve been raising my voice for several years. And I’ve had these horrible people in my family’s home, telling my parents the worst things: “Do you know what Kirk does? He’s buying them drugs!” Everyone is talking dirt like you’ve never heard. This poor man is worried about his only daughter. He’s sitting up here, and Keya had him so afraid—he was calling 911! It’s all about divide and conquer. Divide, conquer, destroy—and it’s been a horrible situation. And they turn my father so against me that he didn’t know he had a daughter. He thought he had a son named Keya! I was never a child that ever yelled, but I also have to say, I’ve been damn angry. I’ve had Keya, and Max before him, take over this house, where they’re not allowed to talk on the phone with me. Scientology. Don’t want to mention it, but you better believe, it’s right there. “

J.C. also denies that she’s beat her parents and once again appears to blame Scientology.

“As long as I’ve lived, I have never touched my mother, my father, or a dog. Never. How that ever happened… between us, my mother was very ill. She was on major drugs and drink for the pain. And she didn’t make it really easy. And people said things. Nothing was touched. And she was a little off, to say the least. And these people from this cult or whatever, were trying to get everything. Ask me how much they did get.”

She adds:

 “It was a terrible situation. There was never physical violence in this house. Never. I will take anything from anyone, anytime.”

Later on  J.C. would describe a potential kidnapping situation:

“I wish quite frankly I never had him. I have been so used and exploited. The only thing that matters is one thing: That is him [Stan] being okay, and happy… All that mattered was my mother, until she passed. That is all in my life that matters. And these mothers… [She starts crying]… They hate me, and they don’t feel that I deserve it, or that I’ve earned it…”

She continues:

“We’ve got a few of them. Four of them. But, they’re not going away. When this guy Brad [Brad Herman, Stan’s former business manager] came over—when my mother was very ill again—he snuck in the house. The police were called by Leo’s [neighbor Leonardo DiCaprio] guard, and they got him out. But if he didn’t have that guard, I don’t know if they’d take my father, and I’d never see him again. I’m so glad we have him. They could just take him. I’m so lucky.”

Stan Lee does indicate that he’s happy with how his funds are being managed.

 I decided my daughter is no longer a teenager. This money will be left to her, and instead of waiting until I die, I will give her as much as I can for her to enjoy now. And that’s what I’m trying to do. Sometimes we have a few discussions. “Dad, can I ever have another few bucks?” And I say, “Are you sure you’ll be left with enough?” But there’s no problem. There’s no problem at all.

He also indicates he’s in good hands now, “Absolutely. Starting with this fella I call “Hairspray.” He does what—” J.C. elaborates, “He does everything.  He’s a guy Friday, and he really stepped up. We’ve been trying to get him for a year.”

Stan Lee would close out the interview by praising his daughter and showing his love to her, “My daughter. I love her very much. I suspect that she loves me. We get along beautifully. I have regrets, and I suppose she does to.” He continues, “My regrets are that we don’t see each other as much. [She lives down the street]. So, we’re not together all the time.  But she’s great. She’s artistic.” Finally, he concludes, “She’s lovely. She’s ambitious.”

Though the last few years have been difficult for the Stan Lee. It seems like he still has a bit of fire left in him saying, “I don’t miss the signings. I miss the creating. And that’s the writing I’m waiting to do.”

What do you think of it? Does the interview answer questions that have worried fans? Or is Lee still in peril?




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