Wonder Woman Star Gal Gadot Attacked After Stephen Hawking Tweet

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot remembered physicist and scientist Dr. Stephen Hawking after he passed away earlier this week.
Gadot tweeted, “Rest in peace Dr. Hawking. Now you’re free of any physical constraints.. Your brilliance and wisdom will be cherished forever ✨”
Rest in peace Dr. Hawking. Now you’re free of any physical constraints.. Your brilliance and wisdom will be cherished forever ✨ pic.twitter.com/EQzSxqNTuN
— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) March 14, 2018
It was a seemingly harmless Tweet that paid tribute to Dr. Stephen Hawking’s brilliance and wisdom.
However, many took exception to the Tweet and began attacking Gal Gadot.
I think you’re fantastic Gal but this tweet is very ableist. His physical constraints didn’t stop him from changing the world. People with disabilities don’t wish for death to be free of their challenges. We wish to be valued for what we CAN do, not pitied for we can’t.
— Adam B. Zimmerman (@ABZimm) March 14, 2018
Gal I am chronically ill. Can’t shower or even get myself out of bed. Lost 18 years thus far. But I ran a charity funding research for my illness #ME and advocate for Change. All from my bed. Is my life not important? Disablement is not shameful, bigotry is. Watch @unrestfilm pls
— amara campbell (@amaracampbell) March 14, 2018
gal gadot is trash (zionist & ableist) and it’s getting to the point where i think i’m gonna unfollow ppl who follow her so . heads up
— kaya (@cecesparikh) March 15, 2018
This is bad, Gal. Physically disabled people aren’t “constrained” and they aren’t yearning to be “free.” Your implication is that Hawking wanted to die because of his disability. People are calling this abelist & that’s true; but this is also just cruel.
— alex (@GalenAlexandra) March 15, 2018
Even when she attempts to come across as deferential and sincere (qualities that don’t come naturally to a murderous psychopath), she still manages to be extremely ableist and vile. A true rotten apple.
— YANI VAROUFCKFACE ? (@RadioScouse) March 15, 2018
Fortunately, a number of folks came to Gal’s defense.
He was a great man who will be missed. Thanks for taking a moment to say a kind word Gal.
— Diana Prince (@PrincessGalFan) March 14, 2018
Beautiful words Just like you ?
— ramper (@yorchramper) March 14, 2018
You’re being overly politically correct about a beautiful statement of someones spirit leaving their body I’m sure the day you die your spirit will be free as well… don’t be so sensitive she is not referring to you personally!! He openly spoke about his frustrations.
— Änas Design Studio (@DesignAnas) March 14, 2018
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