Yoda Finds His Way Into An Official Saudi Arabian History Book!

There have been a few times when the Jedi master has made some special appearances. In magazines such as Empire and even in music videos such as Weird Al Yankovic’s Yoda. But in a History book? We haven’t seen that before until now. A Saudi Arabian history textbook shows Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal hanging out with Yoda at the United Nations. You can see Yoda sitting to the right of the Saudi monarch.



How did Yoda get photoshopped into this picture? That’s the question currently being asked. Another question is, how did this make it into a textbook? No real answers have been found. I assume no one wants to take responsibility. The Education Minister of Saudi Arabia did acknowledge the foul-up with an apology. It has also been reported that he fired Under Secretary for Curricula, Mohammed bin Attia Al- Harthi.

It’s interesting because the photo comes from a fellow Saudi. Artist Shaweesh is the mastermind behind the photo. He claims it’s a tribute to their current king and is not in any way a means of disrespect towards him. He compared Yoda to King Faisal saying they are: “wise, strong, and always calm.

Speaking with the BBC, Shaweesh elaborated, “Everyone loves King Faisal here, even the younger generations.”

This photo comes from a full series that Shaweesh created around 2013. The series focuses on American pop culture and includes other characters such as Captain America and Darth Vader, who are also photoshopped into photos of historical events. Many of the photos unlike the one with Yoda, are rawer and use more tragic events as the backdrop.

I must say that the way Yoda was placed in the photo, it was impressive. How do you feel, was the artist honoring his head of government? Or was using Yoda disrespectful?  Let us know in the comments below! Heck, are there any other world leaders you’d like to see hanging with the Jedi Master?


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