Devolver Digital Announces Metal Wolf Chaos XD – Some Fans Wildly UPSET Over #MechAmericaGreatAgain Hashtag

Devolver Digital announced plans at E3 to bring back Metal Wolf Chaos XD to PC as well as Xbox and PlayStation 4. The remaster was announced during their “mock” press conference which was full of laughs. It all ended with a new trailer and hashtag #MechAmericaGreatAgain.
Announcing Metal Wolf Chaos XD, an updated version of FromSoftware’s legendary 2004 Xbox release previously only available in Japan.
Coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. #MechAmericaGreatAgain
— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) June 11, 2018
Fan reaction was fun and full of awesome gifs and memes. Here are a few of them:
AMERICA!— GangstaLuigi613 (@Gangstaluigi613) June 11, 2018
— Porecomesis (@Porecomesis) June 11, 2018
— lynmock (@lynmock) June 11, 2018
*squeals like a girl* I never had the chance to play it when younger but now is great time!!!! Meh-Nehs!!!!! >:3
— PoonzyTheFoxyGamerz??? (@FPSPoonzy) June 11, 2018
— Erica @ E3 hype train??? (@ZealousJester88) June 11, 2018
Unfortunately not everyone was excited about the release. Some people found offense with the new hashtag. Any mention of anything related to the current President of the United States is met with mountains and mountains of rage with a pinch of salt.
between devolver buying the domain “mech america great again” and fallout letting you shoot nukes at each other, E3 2018 is really about just sticking our heads in the sand, huh
— mike ??? (@MikeASchneider) June 11, 2018
you know what’s really weird is how all the “no politics in games pwease” types are really enjoying “mech america great again”
— bootsy (@NO_BOOT_DEVICE) June 11, 2018
I hole Devolver enjoys their newfound bedfellows
— Spacebat (@MC_Spacebat) June 11, 2018
I’ve spent years hyped to be able to play Metal Wolf Chaos, but good god Devolver way to kill my interest in it. “#mechamericagreatagain“? More like “#NotGonnaBuyThisGame“.
— Martin O’Malley Would Have Won (@TheFuggle) June 11, 2018
— Jeff Must Die (@scrub_fighter) June 11, 2018
Can’t make this shit up dude
— Actually Mad (@StillPrettyMad) June 11, 2018
— ネットで通りすがるブラジル人 (@ntbxp) June 11, 2018
Twitter user @Altronage was even kind enough to post a screen cap of more of the outrage. In fact, he captured one user saying fans who love fascism will love the game.
we live in the timeline where spastic liberals butthurt over robot games#MetalWolfChaosXD #mechamericagreatagain
— Altronage (@Altronage) June 11, 2018
Other fans caught on to the fact that the hashtag was a joke and couldn’t understand why people were so outraged by it. It seems some people just don’t get basic parody or satire. Let’s hope they don’t watch any Mel Brooks movies!
If you’re bent out of shape about Devolver making a joke out of a Trump slogan, grow up; It’s not an endorsement, it’s a parody and a damn good one for this game. Deadass don’t see how anyone doesn’t groan and then chuckle at Metal Wolf Chaos promotional #MechAmericaGreatAgain
— GT| ShinATproof(・ωメ) (@WeeabooNinja) June 11, 2018
Even better with all their outrage they gave Devolver what they wanted. Free press and free air time to spread the news about their remaster. User Oliver Campbell illustrates this point with a perfect meme:
>Be Devolver
>Understand how woke outrage mob works and how marketing works
>”Mech America Great Again”
>Everyone’s now talking about your game, views and traffic going up exponentially due to lack of self-awareness by the outrage mob not shutting up— Oliver Campbell (@oliverbcampbell) June 11, 2018
Now combine this with people mocking those outraged by #MechAmericaGreatAgain and you get a trending hashtag on Twitter where Devolver Digital exposes their game to thousands of more people. It’s ace marketing if you ask me.
There are only a few things that are certain in life. Han shot first, the sun rises in the east, and SJW’s will rage over just about anything related to Trump even if its a freaking parody.
What do you think of all of this? Are you surprised? And will you be picking up Metal Wolf Chaos XD? If so which console? Tell me in the comments below!
Metal Wolf Chaos XD will be released later this year.
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