‘Diablo IV’ To Feature Permadeath In Hardcore Mode PvP

Diablo IV will feature permadeath in Hardcore mode Player versus Player, albeit only in select areas where PvP battles are allowed.

Twitter user @rizarjay reached out to multiple Diablo IV developers and heads, asking, “Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but in #Diablo4 if you’re playing Hardcore and you die in PVP, is it permadeath or..?”
Diablo Global Community Development Director Adam Fletcher answered the question with one word: “Permadeath.”

As this means players who invest their time in a hardcore character could lose them in one fell swoop, more questions sprung forth. “Is it possible to avoid Pvp all together? or will we miss out on powerful gear upgrades?” inquired @oh_spooky.
Fletcher reassured, “Yeah. You can avoid fields of hatred.” Nonetheless, IGN reports that players can gain Shards of Hatred from killing other players and monsters, along with the area featuring special vendors.

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“I could have sworn I saw a blue statement that HC Fields of Hatred would not be perma death…….,” @Veteran_Spartan hoped in vain. “Did you guys backtrack or was another employee giving bad info? Just curious.”
Fletcher admitted he wasn’t sure where or how @Veteran_Spartan got the wrong information from, and reiterated the truth. “Dunno. But you do indeed die in HC in PvP.”

“So no PvP for hardcore players, unfortunate,” dismissed @theonethief. “Wish you guys did permdeath areas and free PvP areas so hardcore players could experience it too without sitting around in full groups camping.”

Kick streamer Chugga Choo replied, “There is an achievement for 10 Hardcore PvP wins. You better believe I’m collecting those ears!”
Sure enough, there are achievements for players killing one, five, and ten other players in Hardcore PvP. Each of these unlock titles, the 1o-player tier unlocking “Murderer” and “Sweaty.”

@FabledO2 offered somewhat backhanded praise.”The way the game is designed to force us make new characters beyond a breakpoint makes this design choice make sense. Question is how flexibly soon do we return.”
The user then concluded, “Diablo 2 doesn’t have designated PvP fields. It has designated safe havens. Hardcore characters can die right off the gate. Diablo 1 has permanent friendly-fire and even death if you decide not to save your game.”

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