Konami Insists ‘Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater’ Will Still Be A “Faithful Recreation” Without Hideo Kojima’s Involvement

Konami insists that Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater will be a “faithful recreation,” even without Hideo Kojima’s involvement.

With the announcement of Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, fans were curious given the past between Konami and series creator Hideo Kojima. In 2015, there were rumors of relations breaking down between Konami and subsidiary Kojima Productions, with Kojima leaving after Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain due to executive interference.
Later reports claimed Konami was moving away from traditional games to develop mobile games with social features. Conditions for staff reportedly grew worse after the split, with harsh monitoring of time away from work, public naming and shaming, and staff deemed useless being reassigned as factory workers or janitors.

There seemed to be little love-loss, as Konami banned Kojima from accepting an award at The Game Awards 2015 (later receiving the Industry Icon award in 2016). Metal Gear Survive also seemed to feature a hidden message, “KJP Forever,”and possibly director Yota Tsutsumizaki and producer Yuji Korekado referred to as “B—–d Yota” and “Cunning Yuji.”
Kojima would go on to form Kojima Productions outside of Konami in late 2015, welcomed to thunderous applause at E3 2016, and high praise with Death Stranding. So with Konami taking the reigns of a Metal Gear Solid Remake, the mood among fans could be described as tense, to say the least.

The series’ official Twitter account gave a statement, somewhat assuring fans of Konami’s upmost respect for Metal Gear Solid, and them. “We thank you and sincerely appreciate your continuous support. Currently, the development team are working together to create an environment where fans can experience and enjoy the METAL GEAR series on the latest platforms.”
“We are remaking Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, one of the most beloved installments of the METAL GEAR series, revealing the origin story of Snake as METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER. We are working hard for METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER to be a faithful recreation of the original story and game design, while evolving the gameplay with stunning visuals and a seamless user experience.”
This would be a far cry from the Silent Hill 2 remake, featuring “adjustments to certain areas where things need modernizing due to the passage of time.”

“Simultaneously, we will deliver the METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION series, the most complete compilation that celebrates the 35th anniversary of the series,” Konami highlighted.
“The METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION allows fans to play the games as they were, as first released on the latest platforms. We hope you will enjoy the METAL GEAR series on the latest platforms,” the statement concluded.

Kotaku Senior Reporter Ethan Gach added that he asked about the game’s development team, revealing that “a spokesperson says it’s a combination of Virtuos and ‘Konami’s development team.'”
Konami’s statement, included as a screenshot, read, “In addition to KONAMI’s development team who is involved in the development of the METAL GEAR series, the game is fully supported by Virtuos, which is a development company that has been cooperating with the past METAL GEAR series.”

Konami further explained their design ethos, and the reasoning behind the delta symbol. “The Delta symbol (Δ) was chosen because its meaning fits the concept of the remake project. Delta means ‘change’ or ‘difference’ without changing structure.”

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The PlayStation store page reveals that there may be some changes to the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1, but also ways for players to enjoy other versions of the game.
The product description notes, “This collection includes the classic versions of the games, complete with minimal edits to copyrighted contents. Regional versions of the titles are available as additional downloads.”

IGN asked later asked Konami in an interview if Kojima and series artist Yoji Shinkawa would be involved with Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater. “They are not involved,” replied Konami’s spokesperson — to the surprise of absolutely no one.
“However, the development team will work hard to create this remake and also the ports (for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection) so that they can be enjoyed on multiple platforms by even more players all around the world,” the spokesperson added, also explaining that Konami developers “involved in the production of the past [games in the] Metal Gear series” would be taking a “central role” in development.

Konami’s spokesperson also explained why Snake Eater — the first in the series’ chronological events, but third mainline entry — was chosen. “We chose Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater because it depicts the birth of BIG BOSS (Naked Snake), which is the starting point of the Metal Gear series. Another reason is that many fans have been requesting a remake of this game for a long time.”
While IGN attempted to probe about future games, the spokesperson simply stated, “regarding remakes of previous games in the series other than Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, we will listen to player demand and consider accordingly.”
After discussing the delta symbol, Konami confirmed the game’s story would not be altered or updated.
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