Star Wars Fans Petition For Continuation of Battlefront II Storyline Starring Iden Versio and Del Meeko

Star Wars fans have launched a petition for Disney to continue the Battlefront II storyline starring Iden and Del.

The petition specifically is requesting a comic book series following Iden after the events of the Battle of Jakku.

The petition was created by Mason Carr on and is aimed at The Walt Disney Company, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Electronic Arts.

The petition begins:

“After the ending of Star Wars Battlefront II’s main campaign story, and resurrection campaign as well, i was wondering, what is going on with Iden between After the Battle of Jakku & The Force Awakens, and when was the birth of Zay?”

It continues:

“This petition is for Marvel Comics to make a comic book series all about Iden Versio and Del Meeko that focuses on their story between after Battle of Jakku & The Force Awakens. I bet there could be Star Wars & Iden fans wondering what was happening after Battle Of Jakku & before Episode VII?”

Carr then encourages other Star Wars fans to sign the petition:

“If you want to know what happened, you can consider signing this petition. This could reveal the Birth of Zay, on what year she was born in and Iden giving birth to her, how Del went missing right before the Battlefront II main campaign ending, etc. And could also explore more of Shriv as well. And maybe could also use a great Writer for the story as well for fans to enjoy. If you want Iden’s story to expand, consider signing. Especially if you are a Star Wars fan.”

Star Wars Battlefront II’s main campaign followed Iden Versio, the commander of an elite Imperial unit called the Inferno Squad. Shortly after players are introduced to Versio, the Battle of Endor Endor occurs and the Emperor is believed to be killed. However, he issues a final order to commence Operation: Cinder.

As part of Operation: Cinder Versio and her Inferno Squad are deployed to Fondor in order to acquire satellites. After securing the satellites, Versio discovers that Operation: Cinder will target her home planet of Vardos and it has been ordered to be purged in order to send a message about the Empire’s strength.

Versio is sent to the planet to extricate Protectorate Gleb and him alone. However, she disobeys orders and begins rescuing refugees. She and Del, who is part of Inferno Squad, then send a distress signal to the Rebel Alliance and provide them information on Operation: Cinder. Versio and Del are offered a choice to either flee or aid the Rebel Alliance against Operation: Cinder. The two choose to aid the alliance and join the fight at Naboo, the next target of Operation: Cinder.

Following the fight on Naboo, Versio and Del reconstitute Inferno Squad as part of the Rebel Alliance. They eventually decide to track down Versio’s father, the Imperial in charge of Operation: Cinder. She discovers he’s based out of Bespin and severely cripples Imperial forces by destroying a number of Star Destroyers despite her father escaping.

They would then also participate in the Battle of Sullust as well as Jakku. In the skies above Jakku, Versio tracks down her father and attempts to get him to flee his burning Star Destroyer. He refuses, but Versio takes an escape pod and crash lands in the desert, where she is discovered by Del.

Following the Battle of Jakku, there is a 30 year time jump that sees Kylo Ren capture and interrogate Del, who reveals that the map to Luke Skywalker is with Lor San Tekka. Del is then executed by former Imperial officer Agent Gideon Hask, who had joined the First Order.

In that 30-year time gap, Versio also has a daughter named Zay. It’s in this 30 year time gap that Mason Carr and a number of other Star Wars fans want more stories.

The petition has currently been signed by 636 people.

Do you plan on signing the petition? Do you want to see more stories about Versio and Del following the Battle of Jakku and before the events of The Force Awakens?

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