Rumor: J.J. Abrams and Warner Bros are Having a “Conversation” About a Superman Movie

J.J. Abrams might get something he allegedly wants out of his deal with Warner Bros. The two sides are reportedly talking about Abrams helming the next Superman movie. (Report: J.J. Abrams Might Be the Next to Take on Superman and Green Lantern)

This information comes from YouTuber Grace Randolph and sources conveying to her the talk is going on. Randolph tweeted last Thursday she heard about the “conversation” and that Abrams’ prospective Superman flick “might be” an Extended Universe tie-in or could fall into the same type of separate “Elseworlds” continuity Joker occupies. (Related — Report: Joker Will Not Be Based On Any Comic Continuity)

Cinematic Universe, What Cinematic Universe?

Based on Randolph’s words, it sounds like Warner is leaving whatever track Supe takes up to Abrams to “get him to do it.” In the minds of studio execs, he might be the one to fix — as Randolph put it — “their mistakes.” Asked to clarify that part of her post, Randolph followed up with this odd answer:

Few would accuse Batman v. Superman of having an Elseworlds style. It was the film that officially launched the DCEU as we know it, giving us our first glimpses of Ben Affleck’s Batman, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman. They came together with Henry Cavill’s Superman and Ezra Miller’s Flash for Justice League and two of them have solo outings that share continuity.

The problem isn’t a lack of a cinematic universe. Warner has one; the problem many would say is that it was rushed in the execution. Zack’s Snyder and Joss Whedon’s efforts with Justice League performed below expectations and now they are walking it back to try and move beyond or rebrand the result.

Vitamin J.J.

Rumors of conversations between J.J. Abrams and WB regarding Superman first arose as he was striking a deal with the studio. The word was he had his eye on Superman, Green Lantern, or possibly both. He reportedly may recast the parts, especially Superman, to keep them young.

Abrams’ deal is sealed now and looks to be part of the broader shake-up in leadership at WB and DC that led to the successive resignations of Diane Nelson, Geoff Johns, and Kevin Tsujihara. He was brought to the attention of CEO Ann Sarnoff on a recommendation by his producer wife Katie McGrath.  (Related: Former DC Entertainment Pres. Diane Nelson: Geoff Johns is “No Buddy of Mine”)

Along with James Gunn, Abrams could be part of a plan to restart or salvage the DCEU, much like he did the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises, with either a series of soft reboots or a Flashpoint Paradox scenario.

Where’s Cavill in All This?

It’s worth noting, despite public opinion, Henry Cavill is not done as Superman. He took time away to star in The Witcher and supposedly had a meeting with Kevin Feige about joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there is no official, documented parting of ways yet between Cavill and WB. (Related — Rumor: Superman Actor Henry Cavill Met with Kevin Feige About a Role in the MCU)

Plus he continually keeps himself connected to the part and DC. Cavill stays in contact with Jason Momoa who said the English-born actor is “100 percent” committed to playing Superman last year. More recently, he referred to the character’s “powers” and power source, the Sun, in an Instagram promotion for BOSS sunglasses. (Related: Henry Cavill Hints He’s Still Attached to Superman)

Reads a portion of the ad’s photo caption:

“Disclaimer: Don’t stare directly at sun. I may get my powers from there, but you will probably do some damage.”

How do you think J.J. Abrams will do directing Superman? Be sure to share your thoughts down below.

Writer, journalist, comic reader, and Kaiju fan that covers all things DC and Godzilla. Been part of fandome since ... More about JB Augustine
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