The Last Of Us Part II User Score Announced

The Last of Us Part II User Score has recently been revealed.

On Metacritic the game has a 3.4 User Score from 8911 ratings.

There are 2,539 positive ratings, 226 mixed ratings, and 6,146 negative ratings.

Here’s what users are saying sorted by Metacritic’s “Most Helpful” tab.

Chopper323 gives the game a 1 out of 10. They write, “Honestly the “It’s a SJW game” isn’t even the reason everyone is so upset. It’s that Naughty Dog ruined such beloved characters and created a terrible story in the process that makes this game unbearable to even finish. The only good thing about this game is the graphics but I wouldn’t even say that’s a compliment because we already expected them to be good. Just stick with the first game.”

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Fangenijus gives the game a 3 out of 10. They write, “It breaks my heart to write this, but I really did not expect such a poor story after all these years of waiting. While there were a few genuinely good moments, majority of game filled up with plot holes. It just took elements of what worked for the first game without understanding what made them compelling.”

Fangenijus added, “It seems like this game was done by other studio, but its not!!. The basic gameplay has stayed the same (for better or worse), environment puzzles are almost gone. So remove story from the table and you are left with the shallow gameplay that will have you looking for some other game.”

CrysisCore20 gives the game a 0. They write, “This game is not bad because of SJWs. This game has poor, contrived writing that is trying to prove a point. It is forced and unconvincing. In addition, you have gameplay from 2013 and NPCs that speed up and slow down like GTAV in 2013. I remember others complaining RDR2 in 2018 was behind the times. I wonder what those people think about TLOU2.”

SeZZy gives the game a 0. They write, “Good graphics, but story and gameplay outdated. TLoU was way better I think they tried to much about this game.”

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Chrizto gives the game a 0. They write, “I’m not sure why every game must be inundated with sjw agendas. Do not want.”

YoungSatch3 gives the game a 0. They write, “I don’t even want to elaborate on my heartbreak for this series. What’s done is done I guess.”

The Last of Us Part 2

Jzyk93 gives the game a 0. They write, “Poor writing and politics don’t belong in video games. Druckman can hang his hat up on this one knowing he FUBAR’d this one.”

Gentlegentle gives the game a 0. They write, “Complete distraction, nothing more. As the main feature of Last of Us was a story – now this story is very bad. When you see how f****st ideology was implemented in scenario, in characters – you see the actual result. You have non-evolving characters, non-interesting gameplay ( gameplay did not evolve from first game), absense of characters motivation in most of cases. When you see this game, you just think ‘It could be a masterpiece. But now… this is politics’.”

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PedroLemons123 gives the game a 3. They write, “This game is immensely bleak, with the bright hopeful spots of the first entry being altogether absent. With that being said, just about 10 hours of the game are wasted on fruitless plots, and the entire story (potentially of both games) is rendered meaningless by the dumbfonded ending. I could say more, but this game is a huge disappointment, and I regret waiting 7 years for it.”

Maver3 gives the game a 0. They write, “0/10 Walking sim with a laughably bad story. Looks nice though but do do most games these days.”

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H_E gives the game a 3. They write, “The game play is alright at best, not upset by it. Its just the story that really peeves me. How can you go from Last of Us 1 to this in terms of story?”

NielCuckman69 gives the game a 1. They write, “I swear anyone who voted 5 and above is a paid actor. What a disrespectful way to treat this franchise. Utter disgrace. Only thing that saved the game was environments and animation.”

Obituary287 gives the game a 0. They write, “Seriously no explanation needed for this low score. They ruined the franchise.”

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Ovajjjj gives the game a 0. They write, “This game killed the first part in a very disrespectful way… Terrible story with characters which remind me of some hipster emotional low budget drama movie. A bigger disaster than 2020 with this whole pandemic going around. Don’t waste your money.”

apr292000 gives the game a 2. They write, “False adverting with the plot, Naughty dog completely disregarded what people liked about the first game and instead shoveled out this trash, On top of that the crunch time game dev’s at Naughty dog had to experience is inhumane just to finish the game.”

Q-gin gives the game a 2. They write, “This game is very old gameplay mechanics, seems to play to the first assassin’s creed is not a 2020’s game. Ugly animation, ugly fight combat, boring stealth section crafting is the same of the first game ……….”

Obzhora69 gives the game a 4. They write, “This game is a living statement that money doesn’t solve all problems. Graphics? Great.truly impressive. story? Trash. Character development? Trash. Character Relationship development? Trash. Gameplay? Straight out of 2013. And honestly.. all these game critics who gave this game 10/10, are shooting themselves in the foot.”

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Indicta gives the game a 0. They write, “Terrible writing that butchered the story. Great visuals indeed, but what of it, if the story sucks? Would anyone play this game if it weren’t false advertised that much?”

Skyarch gives the game a 0. They write, “Holy god the story was so god awful. But the graphics and gameplay aight. Solid use of destroying all character development from the previous game.”

What do you make of these reviews? Do you plan on picking up The Last of Us Part II?

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