Woke Celebrity Demi Lovato Gets Triggered By Frozen Yoghurt Shop And Is Immediately Destroyed By Piers Morgan And Social Media

Woke singer Demi Lovato recently had a meltdown over frozen yoghurt, and she decided to let her Instagram followers know all about it. The problem? It blew up in her face, since social media, and even English broadcaster Piers Morgan, was having none of it.
It all started when the singer complained on Instagram that she couldn’t order frozen yoghurt from The Bigg Chill, a frozen yoghurt shop based in Los Angeles, California.

As per the singer’s Instagram post, Lovato mentions that she found it ” extremely hard to order froyo from @thebiggchillofficial when you have to walk past tons of sugar free cookies/other diet foods before you get to the counter.”
“Do better,” Lovato added, as she tried to cancel The Bigg Chill while promoting the #DIETCULTUREVULTURES hashtag to her over 102 million followers on Instagram.
It gets even worse, as Lovato decides to take things one step farther by adding, “So, I think I’m gonna have to make that hashtag a thing. I will be calling harmful messaging from brands or companies that perpetuate a society that not only enables but praises disordered eating.”

In his recent column for the Daily Mail, English broadcaster Piers Morgan calls out Demi Lovato for her tactless accusation against The Bigg Chill — expressing how he is triggered by “nasty, arrogant, frozen-yogurt-brained celebrity bullies like Demi Lovato trying to ruin small family businesses during a pandemic by playing the victim in such a pathetic manner.”
As outspoken and harsh as he is, Morgan does manage to drive a very valid point home, since Lovato’s accusations on social media could end up hurting The Bigg Chill. It’s very possible that impressionable Instagram users could end up helping to cancel the frozen yoghurt shop, for no reason other than feeling empowered over Lovato’s childish call-to-arms.

Morgan doesn’t even stop there, going on to explain how Lovato has taken it upon herself to bring down small businesses like The Bigg Chill, and also stating that the singer is a “horrible piece of work.”
“She’s revealed herself to be a horrible piece of work who thinks the middle of a pandemic that has crushed so many small businesses is the perfect time to try to crush yet another, using the full power of her huge social media platform to do it,” Morgan continued.
“I’ve seen some revolting celebrity behavior during the covid crisis, but little to rival this for sheer nastiness. Let’s be very clear: Demi Lovato wants to wipe out The Bigg Chill because it provides healthy option frozen yogurts for all types of customers – many of whom have medical conditions that necessitate it,” he concluded.
The people over at The Bigg Chill did not stand for Lovato’s accusations, writing “We are not diet vultures” in reply to Lovato via Instagram’s Direct Messenger.

“We cater to all of our customers’ needs for the past 36 years. We are sorry you found this offensive. We carry items for Diabetics, Celiac Disease, Vegan and of course have many indulgent items as well,” the statement by The Bigg Chill continued.
Trying to hold that moral high ground, after The Bigg Chill replied to her tactless rambling, Lovato fired back. “Your service was terrible,” replied the singer. “The whole thing was triggering and awful. You can carry things for other people while also carrying for another percentage of your customers who struggle DAILY just to even step foot in your store.”
Lovato added, “You can find a way to provide an environment for all people with different needs. Including eating disorders – one of the deadliest mental illness only second to opioid overdoses. Don’t make excuses, just do better.”

We can all agree — as rational, thinking human beings — that Lovato is triggered by The Bigg Chill giving people the chance to eat healthy products, since this could trigger, according to her, people with eating disorders.
However, Lovato completely fails to understand that offering a healthy option for customers who may need special products — namely Diabetics, Celiac Disease sufferers, and so on — and how cancelling shops like The Bigg Chill is actually a bad thing.
Things took a rather predictable turn, as the singer realised that her complaint was not well-received and decided to issue a non-apology — which was also posted on her Instagram account in the form of an 8-minute video.
“When I messaged this ‘froyo place’,” the singer explained, “like, originally I wanted to make a point, and I wanted to call out behaviours, or branding things that didn’t sit right with me.”
“The truth of the matter is,” she continued, “As someone who deals with an eating disorder, like, is in recovery from an eating disorder, I still to this day have a hard time walking into a froyo shop, ordering yoghurt and being content with it and keeping it down.”
She further stated that “By the time I got to the counter, after seeing so much diet stuff and health food stuff, it wasn’t clear to me that it was for a specific health needs,” and “because it wasn’t clear, I definitely jumped to conclusions, and probably shouldn’t have gone about this the way that I have.”

As if the messaging wasn’t clear enough just yet, Lovato has chosen to make this all about herself. But don’t worry, it gets even better.
Because she needs to hold that moral high ground, Lovato explains in her 8-minute video that she’s “willing to talk to this ‘froyo shop’ to help get the messaging right,” and then goes on to virtue signal about her wanting to help anyone who struggles with eating disorders.
This is said not even 3 minutes into the 8-minute video. Even when she apologises, she can’t not make this about herself and how helpful her contribution to The Bigg Chill would be.
After all that’s happened since Lovato first complained about The Bigg Chill — the complaint itself, Morgan’s savage column calling her out, and the massive backlash the singer has faced since — it is still highly unlikely that she’ll learn from her mistake.

Lovato’s apology is the perfect example of virtue signalling gone wrong, with the only reason she felt compelled to apologise being that she faced backlash instead of instant praise.
I sat through the total 8 minutes and 26 seconds of her her self-centered rambling Instagram, only to discover that she mentions The Bigg Chill by name only once, every other time referring to it in a very patronising manner as “this froyo shop”. Celebrities like Lovato just don’t know any better.
What did you make of Demi Lovato’s childish temper tantrum? Let us know in the comments section down below or on social media.
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