Fearless Host Jason Whitlock: HBO’s ‘House Of The Dragon’ Has A “Feminist Grooming Agenda”

Jason Whitlock, the host of Fearless, recently reviewed HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon, claiming that it has a “feminist grooming agenda.”

Whitlock shared his opinions about the series in a recent episode of Fearless uploaded to his YouTube channel.
Beginning his Firestarter section of the video, Whitlock states, “Unlike its predecessor HBO’s House of the Dragon, the much anticipated prequel to Game of Thrones, does not conceal its feminist grooming agenda.”
“Within the first 15 minutes of its Sunday debut, House of the Dragon revealed its conceit. Man’s subjugation and oppression of women began thousands of years ago and extended all the way to the fantasy world,” he continued. “Like any decent, devout atheist American novelist George R.R. Martin, the author of the books that inspired Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, believes that life, fate, and man dealt women an awful hand.”
“House of the Dragons begins with its female narrator Rhaenyra Targaryen explaining her father’s rise to ruler of the realm as a triumph of sexism over birthright,” he explains. “King Viserys, the George W. Bush of Westeros was appointed king over his more qualified female cousin, Rhaenys Targaryen, the Hillary Clinton of Westeros. Rhaenys is finally referred to as the Queen who Never Was.”

Whitlock then describes a scene where Rhaenyra Targaryen flies on her dragon and lands to meet Alicent Hightower, where he notes the “sexual tension between the two is subtle but obvious.”
He continues describing a scene where Rhaenyra meets her pregnant mother Aemma Targaryen. Whitlock notes that “Rhaenyra complains that the gaggle of midwives focus on the child in the womb, not her swollen mother.”
“Queen Aemma tells her daughter, ‘Babies are how we serve the realm.’ Rhaenyra retorts, ‘I’d rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory.’ Rhaenyra identifies as a man. She’s trans, or maybe she’s just a lesbian,” Whitlock opines. “While picnicking outside, head planted in Alicent’s lap, Rhaenyra confesses, ‘I want to fly with you on dragon back. See the great wonders across the narrow sea and eat only cake.”
After describing these opening scenes, Whitlock declares this first episode as “drag queen story hour for feminist groomers.”

He then notes he does not expect the show to change from this theme, “There’s little reason to expect the show to pivot, Game of Thrones waited five seasons before swallowing narrative blockers and transitioning away from Tyrion Lannister as the underdog hero to Arya Stark as baby Wonder Woman and Night King assassin.”
“House of the Dragon shows no such patience. It dials the calendar back 172 years to unearth the original sins that doomed King’s Landing, Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms, and the realm. Hollywood is determined to convince all young people that all evil is rooted in male leadership, the patriarchy, and that America must be remade to protect the world. Only women can save the world from the tribalism and brutality of men,” he asserts.

He then notes that House of the Dragon doubles down on the the “winter is coming” climate change allegory that Game of Thrones pushed explaining, “When King Viserys warns his daughter about the white walkers. George R.R. Martin, the Northwestern J[ournalism] School grad rejects American exceptionalism and the success of the American experiment.
“The dragons are a stand in for American military might,” he asserts. “King Viserys explained to his daughter that the Targaryens hold on power is based on the myth that they can control the dragons. The unstated truth is the dragons control the Targaryens just as the military-industrial complex controls America.”

Whitlock then rebukes the show’s depiction of motherhood and childbirth, “House of the Dragon’s harshest rebuke is saved for motherhood. The show portrays childbirth as a burden, not a blessing. Queen Aemma dies a painful, brutal, and pointless death giving birth to King Viserys’ male heir. The baby dies hours later. King Viserys chose a delivery procedure that sentenced his wife to death, gave his male son the best chance of survival.”
“House of the Dragon is pro-choice. The critics obviously loved it,” he said before pointing to reviews in The Los Angeles Times and The New York Times that compare the scene to the murder that is abortion.
He then proclaims, “We’re being groomed. That’s the point of all modern art and entertainment. Men are scum. We are the root of all evil.”

Whitlock then states, “It’s the antithesis of a Biblical worldview. The Bible says Eve listened to Satan, ate from the Forbidden Tree, and fed it to Adam. Popular culture argues man is the serpent in the garden. He and his ways are to be avoided.”
“Men, believers and non-believers are selling this message,” he proclaims. “George R.R. Martin is no lone wolf. He has an army of male collaborators. They litter the political conversation. However, Martin’s most effective co-conspirators speak from Christian pulpits. They preach an egalitarian gospel. They’ve made themselves idols. They’re unwilling to model the behavior of confession and repentance that leads to Salvation. They’ve surrendered to popular culture. Fear of the discovery of their sins has emasculated and silenced them. They are biblical eunuchs.”
“House of the Dragon is the latest choir to sing the praises of a secular, global world order led by women in pant suits. This will be Hillary Clinton’s favorite television show. They might as well have called it House of Hillary. House of Horrors. House of Feminist is what I’m calling it,” he concluded.

What do you make of Whitlock’s review of House of the Dragon? Did you watch the series? What did you think of it?
NEXT: ‘House of the Dragon’ Debut Episode Review
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