Major Donor Pulls Out of Fantasy Soft Entertainment Due to Company’s Support for Dragon Ball Super: Broly VA Vic Mignogna

Production company Fantasy Soft Entertainment have recently found themselves in dire financial straits due to their open support for voice actor Vic Mignogna.

On July 24, Fantasy Soft Entertainment announced on their Twitter account that they had lost a major financial backer due to disagreeing viewpoints regarding the ongoing Vic Mignogna defamation case. The announcement was accompanied by links to their Patreon, Paypal, and Bitcoin accounts:

It reads:

“We just lost a big donor over the Vic situation. We didn’t see eye to eye. We left lovingly and respectfully. Until we acquire major investors for our TV shows, movies, video games, and other endeavors, we have to depend on Patrons to help with bills, pay artists, and to keep the Department of Revenue happy. If we don’t, we’ll be closing our doors at the end of the year.

If you can help, please be a Patron today!

Always do what’s right! Always dream big!”

This announcement comes a little over a month after Fantasy Soft announced that they had cast Vic Mignogna in their upcoming series, Prince Adventures: Chronicles. Fantasy Soft did not initially provide details as to the donor’s identity or the specific catalyst for the withdrawing of funding.
The following day, Fantasy Soft posted another update to their Twitter account, providing small clues to the donor’s relationship to the studio and profusely thanking their fans for support:

It reads:

“The feedback to our cry for help has been outstanding!!! We can’t thank all of our supporters enough! We love you all! Concerning the donor…even though they didn’t donate millions or thousands, they gave just enough to keep us afloat while we produced our comics, novels and pitched our shows and movies to networks like Amazon and Netflix. Also, they were one of our President and CEO’s closest friends of many years. So, this was a major blow. Remember. You can disagree with someone and still love them. Love always wins. So, enough tears. Let’s wow the world together!”

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