‘Black Lightning’ Creator Attempts To Get Eric July Cancelled At San Diego Comic-Con After Appearance At CGC Booth

Tony Isabella via blackherodoc YouTube

Tony Isabella via blackherodoc YouTube

Black Lightning creator Tony Isabella attempted to cancel Isom creator Eric July at San Diego Comic-Con after he made an appearance at the CGC booth.

July announced he would be at the CGC booth at San Diego Comic-Con on July 21st to promote his CGC Signature Series of Isom.

He tweeted, “12pm catch me at CGC Comics/CGC Signature Series booth. Booth 901.”

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Twitter user ChecktheCircuit then attempted to lead a cancellation of July writing, “Eric July in his OWN WORDS. And a pic he loves embracing Kyle Rittenhouse. This is who CGC Comics chose to ‘honor’ with a signing at San Diego Comic-Con, and who San Diego Comic-Con ‘honored’ to have a panel & booth. Disgusting. An outright cruel, hurtful & bigoted offense to the invitees & attendees.”

In response to this, Isabella tweeted, “Come on, CGC and Comic-Con! You can do better than empowering an unsavory (to put it mildly) person like this.”

He then added, “Jack Kirby would have punched him out.” For context, it’s likely Isabella is insinuating that July is a Nazi given Kirby detailed in an interview published in 1990 he would “beat the stuffing out of” anyone who liked Hitler.

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When July asked him if he wanted to discuss, Isabella responded, “Not in the least. Your denial of the existence and validity of trans kids alone is enough to tell me I don’t need to communicate with you further.”

July replied, “So instead, you want to snipe and go after our partners/vendors. I’m against mutilation of children. Minors are unable to consent and it is evil to do such irreversible damage to them. What about that do you find so repugnant?”

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Isabella would stop responding in the thread, but he continued to deride July on Twitter writing, “This morning’s senior moment: commenting on a Comicsgate creep.”

He then revealed that he is in favor of butchering small children under the guise of transgender ideology, “No decent rational human being should give a second of their time to discussing anything with people who think medically proven and valid health care for trans kids is mutilation.”

He then resorted to playing victim as all those who get called on their heinous actions eventually do. “So now I’m being called a racist and it’s only a matter of time before Rich Johnson starts riding my ass again,” he tweeted.

He concluded the thread, “I fear I will be spending way too much time blocking these creeps. My fault for letting them get to me with their right-wing bullshit.”

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July would later upload a video and make it clear what his position is on mutilating children in the name of transgender ideology, “My position on this whole trans kids thing is very simple. There’s not such a thing. It is something that is facilitated by adults and that’s who it is coming from. Children cannot consent. I want to be firm as I possibly can on this subject matter.”

And to do irreversible, irreparable damage, to do something like that is evil. Top surgery, bottom surgery, my position on this has been very consistent. Those are objectively bad things.”

July later stated, “What this all boils down to is there are certain comic pros that are allowed minority especially on social media … definitely after 2016, 2015 the whole Donald Trump phenomena. These guys started just coming out the woodwork and you found out how much they despise half the freaking voting population and half the, hell, non-voting population. And they take issue with folks.”

After explaining how he believes many of these comic pros are not happy about July’s success with Isom believing they are the ones who own the comic book space, July asserted, “Tony Isabella is an idiot. Certainly, I do take exception to him trying to go after people that I work with. That’s what these guys love to do. Nothing’s going to happen. But that is what it is.”

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Isabella would respond to the video writing on Twitter, “I’ve been told a Comicsgate clown I angered has done a YouTube video attacking me. You don’t need to post links to it here or send private messages to me. He’s been in the comics industry for five minutes. I’ve been doing good honorable work for over fifty years.”

He went on to double down on his position regarding butchering children, “I called him on his trans kids comments. Decent folks know trans kids exist. Their health care needs are medically and morally valid.. The benefits of their receiving gender care are confirmed by our history. They should not be denied this care.”

“I have been on the right side of history since I started working in comics. I’m still on the right side of history. He’s not,” Isabella declared.

“I’m ignoring/blocking him, just as I’m doing with all of his fellow deplorable Comicsgate creeps as they make themselves known,” Isabella continued. “I’m not scared of them. I’m disgusted by them.”

He concluded, “I’ll continue to do good honorable work. I’ll continue to be the best ally I can to the LGBTQ+ community. Because it’s the decent thing to do. Because it’s the right thing to do. Thanks to all of who have backed me in these noble pursuits.”

Despite Isabella claiming he has the moral ground, he does not. In fact, he is promoting extremely immoral and damaging behavior.

Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington notes, “‘Gender-affirming’ medical or surgical interventions cause significant, even irreparable, bodily harm to children and adolescents. These include the use of puberty blockers (in effect, chemical castration) to arrest the natural psychological and physical development of a healthy child, cross-sex hormones to induce the development of opposite-sex, secondary sex characteristics, and surgery to remove an adolescent’s healthy breasts, organs, and/or genitals. These kinds of interventions involve serious mutilations of the human body, and are morally unacceptable.”

He later declared, “To disregard or withhold information about the harms of pursuing ‘transition’ or about the benefits of alternative, psychotherapeutic treatments constitutes a failure in both justice and charity.”

What do you make of Tony Isabella attempting to cancel Eric July in the name of transgender ideology?

NEXT: Black Lightning Creator Tony Isabella Doubles Down: “Batman Has Become a Toxic Character”

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