Tank Girl Returns For 4 New Stand-Alone Adventures!

Tank Girl will return for four new stand-alone adventures beginning with The Wonderful World of Tank Girl.

This new adventure comes off the success of Titan Comics Tank Girl Trilogy which included Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank, Tank Girl: Gold, and World War Tank Girl.

The Wonderful World of Tank Girl will be written by Tank Girl co-creator Alan Martin and Tank Girl Trilogy artist Brett Parson. Their first story arc title riffs off of Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Strikes Again. It will be called “Tank Girl Strikes Again.”

Tank Girl Strikes Again will see Tank Girl and her ragtag group of allies attempt to pull of their biggest caper yet. However, Booga’s gormless plotting will put Tank Girl and her crew at serious risk. Titan promises “this is Tank Girl on true classic, chaotic, idiotic form!”

The Wonderful World of Tank Girl #1 hits comic book shelves everywhere on October 4, 2017. It will feature four covers from Brett Parson, Chris Wahl, Alan Martin, and a Brett Parson Artist Edition. Check them out below.

Tank Girl was created in 1988 by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett. It’s seen a number of different artists including Jim Mahfood, Jonathan Edwards, Ashley Wood, and Mike McMahon as well as others. The story follows Tank Girl also known as Rebecca Buck and later revealed as Fonzie Rebecca Buckler. She drives around and lives in her tank while taking on dubious missions from a suspicious organization. Much of the comic revolves around Tank Girl’s crazy, insane adventures with her mutant kangaroo boyfriend, Booga.

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