Comic Book Review: Superman #4

With the exception of Wally’s journey through the Rebirth Series, Clark White may have one of the greatest arcs ever seen in a Superman series. Not only does the series balance family dynamics with high-flying action, but it also reminds us of the core values that Superman embodies. Seeing Clark and his family continue to interact with this slightly different universe is still fun to watch. Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason continue the story with exhilarating action and a new interesting take, while preserving the essence of the characters.

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In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01G2F1IMA” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Superman #4[/easyazon_link], we finally see Clark and his son Jonathan bond together in a way we’ve never seen before while battling the Eradicator. The relationship between father and son is fleshed out as Clark patiently helps his son hone his powers while maintaining a “tough love” dynamic. Seeing Jonathan continuing to grow is also enjoyable to see. It creates a sense of eagerness to see him grow even more.

Gleason being both writer and artist in this issue certainly helps convey certain emotions during crucial points in the issue. One moment that truly stood out in the issue was not from Superman himself, but rather the civilians and how they interacted with the situation that remarkably reminds us of the brighter moments of Pre New 52 Superman. Even subtle references that the civilians make add a deeper level of personality that other titles may lack.

The artwork in the issue continues to deliver outstanding panels much like the previous issues. There are bright colors and large figures that make certain panels truly jump off the page. Movements and actions are well drawn and show us incredible visuals that have not really been explored in previous Superman titles. Colorist John Kalisz hits his mark and does not hold back on adding vibrant splashes of yellow and orange adding suspense in the fight between Superman and Eradicator.

Superman #4 is not without its flaws. There are a few instances where the transitions between scenes were confusing and hard to follow. It seems as if they tried to fit as much action as they could in the least amount of spaces on the page.

Another downside to this issue was the limited role of Lois. Throughout the series, Lois is shown to be the foundation that tethers Clark and Jonathan. She holds the family together with her internal strength. In this issue, Lois is placed into the role of a watching bystander and does not have as many meaningful interactions with her family.

The Verdict

Tomasi and Gleason continue to propel Superman in the new Rebirth Era with vivid and explosive imagery combined with emotional and personal storytelling. There are a few awkward transitions and Lois is used in a limited capacity. [easyazon_link identifier=”B01G2F1IMA” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Superman #4[/easyazon_link] hits a minor speed bump in the fast paced story of the new Superman series. Although it may not have been the strongest book in the series, it still adds to the Superman story as we eagerly await the next installment.

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