Dean Cain Blasts Marvel’s New Captain America That Doesn’t Believe In The American Dream

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman actor Dean Cain blasted Marvel’s new Captain America that shows the iconic character no longer believing in the American Dream.

In the first issue of The United States of Captain America #1 by Christopher Cantwell and Dale Eaglesham, Cantwell has Captain America not believing in the American Dream anymore.
Cap thinks, “‘I’m loyal to nothing. Except the Dream.’ I actually said that once. Here’s the thing about a dream though. A dream isn’t real. When we wake up, it goes away. And we’re left with this yearning inside. Like something was taken from us.”

Cain would react to this new comic and Captain America’s abandonment of the American Dream in a segment on Fox & Friends.
He stated, “You know, I love Captain America. I love the concept of Captain America. But I am so tired of all of this wokeness and anti-Americanism.”
“We just celebrated our 245th birthday. In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It’s not perfect. We are constantly striving for a more perfect union as well know. But I believe she is the most fair, equitable country ever. With more opportunity than anyone’s ever seen. And that’s why people are clamoring to get here from all over the globe.”
Cain then cites Senator Tom Cotton. He says, “I agree with Senator Tom Cotton who was on a couple days ago, who said, ‘Perhaps Captain needs to be demoted to Lieutenant.’ Because I think it makes good sense.”

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Cotton added his own thoughts in a separate segment on Fox & Friends.
He stated, “It sounds like Captain America may need a demotion to Lieutenant after that speech. But this is what happens when you allow left wing activists to write your comic books.”
“And it reflects a march through our cultural institutions. Comic books, schools, and indoctrinating our kids to believe that kind of nonsense,” he continued.

Cotton went on to state, “We should be proud of our heritage and our founding principles. 245 years ago this weekend, our founding fathers declared our independence. Not just because of local grievances over taxes or the quartering of soldiers, but because they wanted to found a new republic dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal as Abraham Lincoln said at the Gettysburg Address.”
He added, “Now, we haven’t always achieved that in practice but our history has been one of continuingly struggling to realize those ideals. That’s exactly what Dr. Martin Luther King said in his ‘I Have A Dream’ speech in which he explicitly and repeatedly invoked the declaration and said that we are the…our work is the full realization of America’s founding principles.
“We should teach our children whether it’s in the schools or in our movies and television or yes, our comics books, to be proud of and celebrate America’s traditions,” Cotton concluded.
After citing Cotton, Cain added, “America has its founding principles, which I firmly believe in. I believe in individual freedom. I believe in equality of opportunity, not outcome. Competition, the ability to compete fairly. Hard-work, which brings you success and material wealth, which in turn gives you self-reliance.”
“That’s what everybody wants on the face of this planet. That’s what everybody strives for. That’s why they are trying to come here,” he asserted.

Cain continued, “And I find this wokeness, it’s pervasive. It goes through everything. It’s in our school system. The cool thing to do today is to bash America. The comic books do it. The schools indoctrinate our kids, they do that. Our movies, our television shows is full of it. Celebrities, actors, athletes, the media, they love to bash America.”
Cain then pondered, “I don’t get it. I wonder to myself often, ‘Do these people ever travel outside of America. Do they go to other countries where they have to deal with other governments who aren’t anywhere near as fair as the United States.’ I don’t think they do. I do it all the time and I kiss the soil when I get back here.”

Cain would then double down on his thoughts about the current zeitgeist, “Today, the cool, the fashionable thing to do is to bash America and hate American. And I’m on the exact opposite of this fence. I love this country. I’m a full and complete optimist as well. I believe the pendulum will swing back to openly appreciate American values, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
He hoped, “As soon as people start studying them in school again, I think we’ll get people understanding them and appreciating them.”
“So today, me being a sort of counter cultural guy, me supporting the flag and the red, white, and blue, and the United States of America makes me a revolutionary in some terms. Which I’m fine with,” he concluded.
What do you make of Cain and Senator Tom Cotton’s thoughts about Marvel’s most recent first issue of The United States of Captain America where Captain America abandons the American Dream?
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