Amy Adams Provides New Update on Her Status as Lois Lane in the DC Extended Universe

Amy Adams may not be out as Lois Lane, after all. In a clarification of comments she made earlier, the actress admits she has no idea what plans are for her or her character in the DC Extended Universe.

While promoting her upcoming film, Vice, where she plays Lynne Cheney, Adams spoke to Den of Geek to clarify her previous statement regarding her status as Lois Lane:

“You know what’s funny? I actually don’t know. I haven’t had any official conversation with anybody. I was just talking with Nicole Kidman about it, and I was like, ‘Oh, I guess I’ve got to be careful what I say!’ But yeah, I haven’t had any word officially.”

Adams stated she merely “thought” she was out and the whole thing was getting revamped when talking to Nicole Kidman. That gives the impression Warner Bros. was moving on without her.

While fans and the press took her slightly out of context and got a little carried away, the need for clarification is not negligible. Jason Momoa also had to clarify his comments in regards to Henry Cavill’s status as Superman. Momoa originally opined on why Cavill might want to walk away, but he sounded like he had some feeling Cavill might be done.

It wasn’t until the two talked afterward that Momoa was able to dispel any rumors on the red carpet with Entertainment Tonight, saying Cavill was “definitely not” going anywhere. He and Amy Adams are hardly the only two who didn’t know anything for sure. Speculation is bound to happen anyway; you can’t blame them or the media for it.

We still don’t know if Affleck will star in The Batman or if he is Batman anymore. Amy Adams and Henry Cavill may remain attached to the respective roles they’ve played since Man of Steel. But Warner Bros. hasn’t spoken on what’s next for them.

Official announcements can be issued even among the chaos. Warner Bros. could be more organized and upfront with their plans unless they like watching things simmer. Everybody else is doing the publicity work for them if that is the case.

What do you think? Is Amy Adams still with us as Lois Lane or are Warner Bros. just playing games?

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