Avengers: Endgame Leaked Footage Surfaces – MAJOR SPOILERS

A leaked video showing a number of clips that appear to be from Avengers: Endgame has popped up on YouTube.

**Warning Potential Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame Below**

Take a look.


The separate clips confirm a number of the alleged plot spoilers leaked to Reddit earlier this year.

The almost five-minute video showed a number of scenes that Marvel Studios and Disney had not previously released to the public through trailers, TV spots, or promotional footage. It appeared to be captured via a cell phone and featured Arabic subtitles.

The video was not one clip, but was a mash-up of a number of clips ranging in length. There were high-octane action scenes. Some massive fight scenes that will have your hair standing on end. Some of the clips hinted at answers to a number of the many questions we had following [easyazon_link identifier=”B07CLGV76S” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Avengers: Infinity War[/easyazon_link]. One thing that is clear, the scenes show us how the Avengers will fight Thanos and what they will use to fight him. It’s definitely surprising!

However, the context of the clips isn’t clear. We don’t know if the scenes were in order, or if the scenes will in fact be included in the film. Marvel Studios is known for releasing footage in trailers and teaser clips, but not actually including it in the movie.

In fact, just recently Avengers: Endgame director Joe Russo teased that the handshake scene between Captain America and Tony Stark in one of the most recent trailers wasn’t actually in the film.

Russo sat down with his brother and co-director Anthony Russo where he stated, “That scene actually isn’t in the movie. So, you know that we tell people that we manipulate the trailers in order to obfuscate what happens in these films. That actually is not in the movie.”

While Joe Russo has teased that certain scenes are not in the film, it’s possible these clips aren’t either. However, I’m hard-pressed to completely toss them aside. Even if these specific scenes aren’t in the film, the concepts they hint and tease most likely will be showcased. And boy are those concepts pretty awesome and definitely comic book inspired.

What do you make of these scenes? Do you think these are legit scenes that we will see in the movie or could they have been scenes that were cut from the movie? Do you have any theories based off of these clips? One also has to wonder, just how in the world was this footage leaked? Did it come from within Disney?

**Editor’s Note** A previous version of this article had a scene by scene breakdown along with screencaps of the footage. We decided to update the article to respect Marvel and Avengers: Endgame fans who do not want to have the film spoiled.

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