Avengers: Endgame Will Not Have a Post-Credit or Mid-Credit Scene

Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame will not have a post-credit or mid credit scene.

Our source, who has already seen Avengers: Endgame, indicates the film will not have a post-credit or mid-credit scene, which were popularized by Marvel Studios beginning with Iron Man and the tease of the Avengers with Nick Fury.

Our source tells us there is really no need for a mid-credit or post-credit scene because “it’s the end of the story.”

Not only did our source tell us it’s the end of the story, but they also told us that it’s “a stand alone film, but it also wraps up all the storylines.”

However, they did indicate they planted seeds in the film for future Marvel team-up films, but we won’t spoil which teams they told us about.

This echoes what Marvel Studios and Disney have been telling us about the film. In fact, at the World Premiere in Los Angeles, Disney CEO Bob Iger stated:

“Yes, we are bringing the Endgame. In many respects this represents the end of a chapter in the canon that is Marvel. Not the end of the book, but the end of a chapter.”

Feige had indicated last year while promoting [easyazon_link identifier=”B07F1HTM3K” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Ant-Man and The Wasp[/easyazon_link] that Avengers: Endgame would be a definitive ending. Feige told the Toronto Sun:

“But, storylines can come to an end. The best stories do come to an end. Return of the Jedi was an ending for a long time and as a 10-year-old in 1983 that carried me through 30 years until there was a sequel. That hasn’t happened before in the superhero genre. A new actor comes in and a new storyline starts right away. We wanted to do it this way because we think that the best stories have a definitive ending to a storyline. That’s certainly what’s going to happen next year with Avengers 4.”

What do you make of Avengers: Endgame not having a mid-credit scene or a post-credit scene?

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