BoyleSports Announces Betting Odds for Ben Affleck’s Replacement as Batman

Irish bookmaker BoyleSports released their early betting odds after [easyazon_link identifier=”B01DAWJ7C6″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice[/easyazon_link] actor Ben Affleck announced he would no longer don the cowl of Batman.

Some of the odds make sense, but others seem a little off the mark. Here’s how they stand:

With Affleck out, Matt Reeves and DC Entertainment will need to find a new Batman and it will more than likely happen sooner rather than later as the film is expected to be released on June 25, 2021, that’s just a little over 2 years away.

Armie Hammer might have the best odds because he’s actually already been cast as Batman before. Hammer was slated to play the World’s Greatest Detective in George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal that was never made.

Hammer addressed the idea of playing a superhero on the Happy Sad Confused podcast back in 2017 saying, “I’m more interested now, in my artistic credibility and doing the projects that satiate me as an artist.”

Jake Gyllenhaal will also not be taking on the role of Batman. Gyllenhaal will be appearing as Mysterio in Marvel and Sony’s Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The actor debunked rumors that he could replace Affleck back in April of last year saying, “Wow that’s a very difficult question! The answer to that question is no.”

It’s also hard to see a number of the Marvel Cinematic Universe actors listed take on the role of Batman. I don’t see Star-Lord actor Chris Pratt, Thanos actor Josh Brolin, Captain America actor Chris Evans, or Killmonger actor Michael B. Jordan taking on the role of Batman.

There are also some actors who already appear in the DCEU that are listed. It’s hard to see them becoming Batman. Ewan McGregor is expected to play Black Mask in Birds of Prey and Henry Cavill is still Superman although there are rumors that he has left the role.

Jon Hamm has been rumored to take on Batman, and he’s expressed interest in the role, “I’d probably fit the suit. I’d have to work out a lot, which I don’t love. But, I am sure there is an interesting version of that being out there. And if they wanted to tap me on the shoulder and ask me to do it: why not?”

What’s interesting is the fact that this odds list looks to be more focused on older actors, but director Matt Reeves has indicated he’s looking to go younger with his Batman, and there have been significant rumors that he’s eyeing British actor Jack O’Connell, an actor who is not even on this odds list.

Reeves has also revealed his Batman will be quite a bit different from what we’ve seen in previous films with a focus on his detective skills.

“It’s very much a point of view-driven, noir Batman tale. It’s told very squarely on his shoulders, and I hope it’s going to be a story that will be thrilling but also emotional. It’s more Batman in his detective mode than we’ve seen in the films. The comics have a history of that. He’s supposed to be the world’s greatest detective, and that’s not necessarily been a part of what the movies have been. I’d love this to be one where when we go on that journey of tracking down the criminals and trying to solve a crime, it’s going to allow his character to have an arc so that he can go through a transformation.”

What do you make of this betting odds list? Is there anyone you might place a bet on? Who do you want to take on the role of Batman?

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