Leonardo DiCaprio Wants To Play Stan Lee In Biopic!

Warner Bros. might be attempting to get Leonardo Di Caprio on board for their Joker origin movie with Martin Scorsese, but Stan Lee might have beaten them to the A-list actor.

At a panel at HASCON, Stan Lee revealed he’s talked with DiCaprio about him starring in a Stan Lee biopic.

According to AIPT, Stan Lee told the panel at HASCON:

Believe it or not, I’ve already discussed it with Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s a neighbor of mine and we were talking one day some months ago and he said, ‘Boy it’d be fun to do your story on the screen.’ So I said, ‘Well, I’ll audition you.’ Gotta make sure the guy can do it.

Lee also told the panel audience that DiCaprio “has all the walls covered with big Marvel posters and everything. He’s got very good taste.”

If DiCaprio is interested in a biopic on Stan Lee, I can’t see why Disney isn’t jumping at the opportunity. Stan Lee is a fan favorite in all of the Marvel films with his cameos. A story about how he entered the world of comic books and created some of the most lasting characters is sure to entrance movie fans everywhere. They might actually get the Fantastic Four right!

Would you want to see Leonardo DiCaprio take on comic book legend Stan Lee in a biopic? Would you even want to see a Stan Lee biopic?


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