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Through his production company Appian Way, Leonardo DiCaprio is producing an authorized documentary on 'Twilight Zone' creator Rod Serling.

Progressives and conservatives normalized deviancy yet want people to be outraged over Leonardo DiCaprio dating women.

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most recognizable actors of his generation, thanks in large part to these popular films.

The drama films of the 2000s are especially memorable for upping the emotional ante in a big way. These are…

Woke Hollywood celebrities sign petition demanding the Royal Bank of Canada to withdraw financial support from the Coastal GasLink pipeline.

Leonardo DiCaprio predicts that Earth has "literally" nine years left on its "ticking clock" if we don't "take science seriously."

Artist Yadvender Singh Rana aka Ultraraw26 recently shared a mock-up of Leonardo DiCaprio as Superior Spider-Man.

YouTuber and scooper Grace Randolph reacted to the news that Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence were cast in Netflix and…
A number of Hollywood's biggest celebrities pledged to promote social justice causes in the wake of protests, riots, and looting…
Spider-Man actor Tom Holland reacted to the new that Disney and Sony reached a deal to bring Spidey back to…