Mark Hamill Virtue Signals Over Ukraine War With Autographed Star Wars Posters

Mark Hamill and United24's Star Wars poster fundraising campaign video

Mark Hamill and United24's Star Wars poster fundraising campaign video

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill hasn’t had an easy go of things lately, what with liking a tweet from anti-trans activist and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, which put him directly in the radical Left’s crosshairs. Perhaps to repair his credibility with the Left, Hamill has now decided to pull a Sean Penn by participating in a virtue-signaling campaign drive to aid Ukraine in their fight against Russian forces.

And yes, it’s every bit as cringeworthy as it sounds. 

The actor teamed up with Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukrainian fundraising platform United24 to auction off a series of Star Wars posters autographed by Hamill, for the purpose of raising funds to buy RQ-35 Heidrun reconnaissance drones. That has left many people scratching their heads in both confusion, and suspicion, given U.S. interests and economic participation in the Ukraine war.

Hamill tweeted out “Join the resistance to a real life evil empire,” where he summarizes the autographed posters featuring Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing fighter going toe-to-toe with the nose of an Imperial Star Destroyer. The word “resist” is shown at the bottom in the traditional Star Wars font, followed by “Stand with Ukraine” and its flag underneath.

The virtue-signaling fluff doesn’t stop there, however. In not-so-subtle fashion, the poster depicts Luke’s X-Wing fighter brimming with the traditional Ukraine colors yellow and blue, while the Imperial ships don Russian red and blue. An accompanying video shows Hamill propagandizing about the nature of good and evil in real life, where he states “There are no superheroes, Jedi Knights, time machines or magic wands. Instead, there are millions of real people standing up to real evil.”

In this case, by raffling off five autographed Star Wars posters for those who donate $100 or more, while the other five will be given to those who donate $10,000 or more. In Mark Hamill’s world, this is what standing up to an evil empire looks like, as opposed to picking up a weapon and marching on the front lines.

The rebukes came fast, with some Twitter users like Dr. Swig’s pointing out the ugliness of Hamill carrying Ukraine’s water, while simultaneously doing nothing for citizens of Ohio who are currently suffering health problems after a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine.

Todd A. Jobson, Sr. pointed out the ridiculous nature of the campaign, while speaking about the Progressive Left constantly turning a blind eye to Volodymyr Zelensky’s tyrannical power grabs and rights violations against his own people, and within his own government. 

And finally, user Len Combs pointed out the obvious in a reply where he accused Hamill of campaigning to sell drones for the military industrial complex. While the nature of this war isn’t black and white, there’s no denying that certain entities are quite happy to profit off of this war, while continuing to reject any notion of a negotiated off-ramp. 

The sheer nonsense and narcissism of this campaign is beyond words, especially given the fact that the United States government has thus far greenlit a grand total of $196 billion (and counting) dollars in aid to Ukraine, while the Biden administration continues to reject all claims for a negotiated settlement, which is standard foreign policy practice during conflicts such as this one.

Auctioning off a few Star Wars posters signed by Mark Hamill seems rather microscopic by comparison, and there’s also the question of whether Ukraine even needs the drones to begin with. In addition to shipping highly advanced weaponry and tactical tools to Ukraine, the U.S. government is also providing Zelensky with all of its intel related to Russia, which, according to geopolitical analyst Peter Zeihan, is so thorough that it is equivalent to listening in on all of their phone calls.

Regardless, this campaign smacks of Sean Penn, who decided the best way to help Ukraine in their fight was to allow Volodymyr Zelensky to borrow his Oscar statuette for a while. It’s yet another example of the Left’s complete disconnect from reality, while they view the real world through the bars of a gated community. Worse, it underscores the bad foreign policy being pursued by the Biden administration, which will prolong the conflict and cost hundreds of thousands more lives.

On a smaller scale, it continues to demonstrate the self-masturbatory tripe of Left-wingers who think they’re making a difference by adding Ukraine flag icons to their Twitter bios, while conveniently ignoring the fact that the country is, to this day, deeply corrupt. Making the argument against resistance to Russian incursions and hostility is an easy one from a purely geopolitical standpoint, but this not a “good vs. evil” conflict.

At the end of the day, it is comical to watch Mark Hamill label Russia “evil” after gushing over Barack Obama, a politician who accused Mitt Romney of fear-mongering over Russian aggression, then sat back while Russia started annexing territories during his administration. In 2012, during an interview with extreme-radical Leftist Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, Hamill likened Obama to Obi-Wan Kenobi, claiming “Gosh, I so revere him.”

The irony is so thick, not even a lightsaber could cut through it. 

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