‘Romeo Must Die’ & ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Star Isaiah Washington Quits “Traditional Hollywood,” Citing Left-Wing Harassment

Actor Isaiah Washington, best known for his starring role in the hospital drama series Grey’s Anatomy, has officially retired from the acting business, citing an ongoing harassment campaign directed at him by members of the Left-wing cultural sphere. The trouble started brewing for Washington as far back as 2007, when controversy erupted over his supposed use of a homophobic slur directed towards co-star T.R. Knight.

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Washington half-admitted his culpability in that incident, while simultaneously disputing the context of the situation, which eventually got him fired from the show. His political affiliation has shifted in recent years, first endorsing Green Party candidate Jill Stein for President, before moving steadily towards the Republican Party. The actor began speaking out against Left-wing radicalism and Democrat hypocrisy over the years, triggering a backlash from the Left side of the spectrum.
The actor recently set the record straight during an appearance on Tavis Smiley’s show, where he discussed the controversy surrounding Grey’s Anatomy, contrasting it with his portrayal of a black gay man who shares commonality with Conservatism in 1996’s Get on the Bus, directed by Spike Lee.

Despite the setback in 2007, Washington still continued to act, making television appearances on the short-lived Bionic Woman series, followed by stints on Law & Order: LA, The 100, and Blue Bloods, where he played Chief Travis Jackson, a 63 year old NYPD officer battling the department’s forced retirement age limit.
On the silver screen front, Washington appeared in hits like Dead Presidents and True Crime, before branching into mainstream action flicks like Romeo Must Die, Exit Wounds and Hollywood Homicide, starring Josh Hartnett and Harrison Ford. The actor is renowned for being able to play both heroes and villains with pitch-perfect clarity.

Washington’s retirement announcement was tweeted from his official account, where he stated “It is with a heavy heart and a sense of relief that I am announcing my early retirement from the entertainment industry today. Those who have been Following/Witnessing my journey here on Twatter since 2011 all know that I have fought the good fight, but it seems that the haters, provocateurs and the Useful Idiots have won.”
The actor then expressed frustration over the current state of identity politics being peddled by the extreme-radical Democratic Party, and the Marxist voices on the Left. “I’m no longer interested in the back and forth regarding a ‘color construct’ that keeps us human beings divided nor am I interested in politics or anything vitriolic. I will be traveling this great country before it falls into Socialism and then Communism.”
Washington then offered one final ode to his fans with the words “Until then, know that this Frederick Douglass Conservative will keep his powder dry and loves you all!”

Whether Washington quits acting altogether is still relatively up in the air, however. On the same day as his retirement announcement, the actor also dropped a tweet that read “Yup. I’m leaving traditional Hollywood and starting my own Hollywood that isn’t toxic and petty as hell. Keep watching me idiots!”

This suggests that Washington may, in fact, be quitting Hollywood in particular, due to the erosion of the business by Left-wing radical activists.

For now, the actor’s supposedly final contribution to the film industry was 2022’s Corsicana, which he also wrote, directed, and produced. Washington portrayed Bass Reeves, based on the real-life first black United States Deputy Marshal, whose career accounted for 3,000+ arrests of various fugitives and felons. In the film, Reeves and an old partner reunite to take down a gang of killers in Corsicana, Texas.
The film went on to win Best Western at the 2022 Cannes World Film Festival, which is a feat in and of itself.

Will we see Isaiah Washington make a return to the acting business in some form, perhaps with his own DailyWire-funded film? Let us know your thoughts as to whether this great Conservative actor has finally hung up his holster, or whether he’s reloading to continue the battle.
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