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December 1, 2017
DC big blunder with Justice League has hurt their brand significant. Here's what they need to do to get back…
November 27, 2017
A petition by the American Neckbeard Institute wants Superman to be representative for "fat neckbeards." Once they hit 5,000 signatures…
November 27, 2017
Two photos of Justice League star Henry Cavill in an unused Superman suit from Man of Steel have popped up…
Justice League
November 17, 2017
Come together, RIGHT NOW Justice League. On this day, November 17th, the world is finally getting to see a live-action depiction
November 16, 2017
Beware of MAJOR spoilers for Justice League, ye who enter here You’ve been warned. Tonight and tomorrow, Justice League will explode into theaters across
Superman Henry Cavill
November 15, 2017
With the Justice League premiere behind us some major spoilers from the movie are leaking out. The biggest is Superman's…
October 31, 2017
Now that Justice League is less than a month away, it's time to sift through the rumors to see just…
Justice League
October 23, 2017
Warner Bros. unveiled a new banner for the Justice League that includes Superman.  Superman's return in Justice League has been…
superman batman wonder woman dawn of justice
October 2, 2017
A new hat appears to confirm Superman will return in Justice League wearing his black suit. The hat from Superhero…
October 2, 2017
While discussing musical techniques, Danny Elfman may have let slip an important detail about Superman and the upcoming Justice League…