‘The Last Of Us’ Actress Bella Ramsey Tells Critics To “Get Used To” Acts Of Grave Depravity That Are And Will Be Heavily Pushed In The Show

Bella Ramsey as Ellie Williams in The Last of Us (2023), HBO

The Last of Us actress Bella Ramsey recently told viewers to avoid watching the show if they are not comfortable with viewing sinful acts of grave depravity.

Ramsey spoke with GQ Magazine, where she revealed the show will feature a plethora of acts of grave depravity going forward.

She told the outlet, “I know people will think what they want to think. But they’re gonna have to get used to it. If you don’t want to watch the show because it has gay storylines, because it has a trans character, that’s on you, and you’re missing out.”

“It isn’t gonna make me afraid. I think that comes from a place of defiance,” she added.

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Ramsey’s comments come after the show’s third episode debuted and was heavily criticized. YouTuber Synthetic Man described the episode as Brokeback Mountain.

He explained, “We got 15 minutes of two middle-aged gay dudes falling in love and there’s an extended kissing scene. And they even get married. It is just the weirdest, bizarre, out of left field s**t that is completely irrelevant to the overall plot.”

As for Ramsey’s claim that you are missing out, it’s clearly not anything good that you are missing out on. You are actively avoiding sin and the proliferation of it.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

In fact, the Catechism also asserts that sodomy is one of the sins that cries to heaven. “The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are ‘sins that cry to heaven’: the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner.”

To reiterate, by avoiding this show you are actually avoiding sin and the proliferation of it. You are actively rejecting the evil that the show is trying to perpetuate.

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St. Pope John Paul II in his Message for the 29th World Communications Day also instructed, “As happens with all the media of social communication, the cinema, as well as having the power and the great merit of contributing to the cultural and human growth of the individual, can oppress freedom—particularly of the most weak—when it distorts the truth and when it presents itself as the mirror of negative types of behavior, using scenes of violence and sex offensive to human dignity and ‘tending to excite violent emotions to stimulate the attention’ of the viewer.”

“The attitude of those who irresponsibly bring about degrading imitative behavior whose harmful effects can be read about each day in the pages of the newspapers cannot be defined as free artistic expression. As the Gospel reminds us, only in the Truth are we made free,” he declared.

In 2004, St. Pope John Paul II would also state, “People grow or diminish in moral stature by the words which they speak and the messages which they choose to hear. Consequently, wisdom and
discernment in the use of the media are particularly called for on the part of communications professionals, parents and educators, for their decisions greatly affect children and young people for whom they are responsible, and who are ultimately the future of society.”

He later added, “It is not so easy to resist commercial pressures or the demands of conformity to secular ideologies, but that is what responsible communicators must do. The stakes are high, since every attack on the fundamental value of the family is an attack on the true good of humanity.”

What do you make of Ramsey’s comments?

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