Chuck Wendig Fired From Marvel and Star Wars

Star Wars novelist and comic book writer Chuck Wendig announced that Marvel fired him after they just announced he would be writing the Shadow of Vader series. (Archive links: and

Wendig tries to paint himself as a victim because he included LGBT elements in his novel Star Wars: Aftermath.

He continues trying to paint himself as a victim by stating he received a ton of harassment.

Wendig finally admits why he was fired. It was because of his “negativity and vulgarity.”

While Wendig claims he is a victim of harassment, his own behavior is well documented and it’s not just negativity and vulgarity. He’s actually called for violence against Trump supporters.

Back in June, Wendig decided to attack Star Wars fans decrying them as white supremacists and “toxic.” He also claimed they were sexist and racist.

He would then threaten to sue over a parody T-shirt.

Shortly after his initial attack against Star Wars fans, Wendig would double down. He would state that Star Wars fans come from a “poisoned, septic well-spring.” He would explain that the well spring is “toxic masculinity and abusive white privilege.”

Things would get really bizarre towards the end of June when Wendig decided to claim he doesn’t make products.

Earlier in October he decided to actually call for violence against Trump supporters. He would specifically state that Trump supporters “can eat shit. They can eat a boot covered in shit.” He would then allude to Game of Thrones stating, “Winter is coming, you callous f***necks, you prolapsed assholes, you grotesque monsters, you racists and rapists and wretched abusers, you vengeful petty horrors.”

He would then state, “Some will tell you to be civil because our rage and scorn will fuel the other side, but f*** that double standard in both ears.”

Finally, he would claim he had some bodies he needed to bury.

Wendig can claim that he’s a victim all he wants. It’s simply not true.

One thing appears to be clear. Disney might ignore the behavior of a number of Marvel Comics professionals, but Star Wars is a whole other beast. It appears Disney doesn’t want their multi-billion dollar investment to be harmed by a novelist and comic book writer.

There also appears to be a line that Disney will draw when it comes to who they employ. We’ve recently seen them fire James Gunn for his Tweets about pedophiles and child rape, and now Chuck Wendig has been fired after calling for calling Disney consumers white supremacists, racists, and rapists. Not to mention he called for violence against Trump supporters.

What do you think of Marvel Comics and Disney’s decision to fire Chuck Wendig? Do you agree with their decision?

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