Gal Gadot Praises Greta Thunberg Calls her “Woman of Wonder”

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot took to Instagram to lavish praise on 16-year-old Greta Thunberg describing her as a “Woman of Wonder.”

Gadot shared a picture of Thunberg giving a speech in front of Congress about climate change. She wrote, “Sometimes it takes a force of nature to change human nature. Greta Thunberg you are a true Woman of Wonder and I thank you for that.”

In the speech Gadot praised, Sweden’s Thunberg declared the world is in the middle of a climate crisis and asked for unity in solving in order that kids can return to school.

“I also have a dream: that governments, political parties and corporations grasp the urgency of the climate and ecological crisis and come together despite their differences – as you would in an emergency – and take the measures required to safeguard the conditions for a dignified life for everybody on earth.

Because then – we millions of school striking youth – could go back to school.”

She would go on to declare that the climate crisis she mentions is an “existential emergency.”

“I have a dream that the people in power, as well as the media, start treating this crisis like the existential emergency it is. So that I could go home to my sister and my dogs. Because I miss them.”

Gadot would not be the only celebrity to heap praise on Thunberg. Alyssa Milano described Thunberg as a “warrior of the human spirit.” (Related: Alyssa Milano Calls for “Sex Strike”)

Debra Messing called on Thunberg to receive a Nobel Peace Prize. (Related: Will & Grace Actress Debra Messing Calls On Media To Out Trump Supporters)

Rufus Sewell would defend Thunberg from her critics.

President Donald Trump even got in on the action saying, “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

What do you make of Gal Gadot’s praise for Greta Thunberg?

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