Mike S. Miller Sparks Controversy Over Use of Mike Wieringo Cover Breakdown
On January 22nd, Injustice: Gods Among Us artist and Lonestar creator Mike S. Miller tweeted that he was considering repurposing a cover breakdown drawn by legendary comic artist Mike Wieringo for use on his series Lonestar:
So I have this old Spider-Man cover breakdown by Mike Weiringo, and I’m thinking about finishing it, but making it into a Lonestar cover instead. Thoughts?
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) January 22, 2019
On January 29th, Miller tweeted that he had found the original breakdown and intended to use it for Lonestar:
Found the Mike Weiringo Spiderman breakdowns! Going to alter it to be a Lonestar cover! #Comicsgate #comicsgreat pic.twitter.com/gSyUGmYJPG
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) January 29, 2019
Wieringo was a renowned comic book artist with a storied career, providing art for titles such as The Sensational Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and The Adventures of Superman, as well as co-creating the speed force empowered Bart Allen (aka Impulse) for DC Comics. Wieringo tragically and suddenly passed in 2007 as the result of an aortic dissection. In 2017, the Baltimore Comic-Con introduced The Ringo Awards in his honor, with each award honoring the recipient’s achievement in comic books.
When asked by a fan if he feared any backlash from Wieringo’s friends and family, Miller stated that he would welcome any controversy that arose regarding the use of the cover breakdown:
Hahaha… I own it. I can throw it in the trash if I want to. If it stirs up controversy, all the better. Mwhahahaha
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) January 22, 2019
The breakdown drawn by Wieringo was originally used in 1996 for the cover to [easyazon_link identifier=”B000X7RWKQ” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]The Sensational Spider-Man #8[/easyazon_link]:

The next day, on January 30th, Miller posted a Lonestar cover based on Wieringo’s breakdown, bearing Wiernigo’s signature, declaring that it may be the last Wieringo cover to see print:
The last Mike Wieringo original cover that may ever see print! pic.twitter.com/lYurPx2ZmV
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) January 30, 2019
Upon posting the image of the in-progress Lonestar cover, fans took issue with the labeling of the work as a Wieringo original due to multiple factors: Wieringo never consented to his breakdowns being used on Lonestar, Wieringo had not worked personally on the new Lonestar piece, and that Miller forged Wieringo’s signature on to the final piece.
Fans were not the only ones to push back against Miller’s use of the cover, as Miller also received backlash from pros across the industry, including Kyle Rayner creator Ron Marz:
This is truly disgusting. Mike S. Miller needs to:
A) Not do this.
B) Write a fat check to the charity supported by the Wieringo family. https://t.co/z2nR5rJ1TE
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) February 3, 2019
RED creator and Batman and The Signal artist Cully Hamner:
Apparently he took this rough, redrew it enough to make them his own characters, added a shitty, 3rd-rate hack background, and is going to publish the thing, touting it as the last Ringo cover to be published. seriously have no words. Well, that’s not true- I have many words. pic.twitter.com/Uyroypaz5M
— Cully Hamner (@CullyHamner) February 3, 2019
And writer Jeff Parker who worked with Wieringo on 2007’s [easyazon_link identifier=”0785126732″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four[/easyazon_link] miniseries:
The least (but still) dodgy thing someone could do there is put “after Wieringo” on the final but to go ahead and *sign his name* to it is fucked up beyond belief
— Parker (@jeffparker) February 3, 2019
The conversation regarding Miller’s use of the breakdown eventually reached the ears of Wieringo’s brother and the executor of his estate, Matt Wieringo, who requested that the signature be removed:
Mr. Miller, Mike would not approve of this. Nor do I. As his executor, I need to ask you to remove his signature from this.
— Matt Wieringo (@mattwieringo) February 3, 2019
Following this request, Miller pulled the cover from use on Lonestar.
You got it Matt. I wouldn’t do it without your approval.
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) February 3, 2019
He then proceeded to light the original artwork on fire as his final statement regarding the controversy:
I will be uploading a video of my final solution to the Mike Wieringo cover controversy in a few minutes. Please subscribe to https://t.co/l3HfOTaJOh so you don’t miss the premier!
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) February 3, 2019
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