Transgender Activists Target ‘Harry Potter’ Creator J.K. Rowling Over Mother’s Day Social Media Post

The Ink Black Heart full Q&A with Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) (September 22nd, 2022) via The Rowling Library, YouTube

The Ink Black Heart full Q&A with Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) (September 22nd, 2022) via The Rowling Library, YouTube

Transgender activists have targeted J.K. Rowling on social media, after the Harry Potter scribe shared a Mother’s Day post making use of politically correct language often used by woke individuals.

J.K. Rowling talks about her new children’s book, The Christmas Pig

RELATED: ‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Mocks Johns Hopkins University’s Definition Of Lesbian As “Non-Man,” University Removes Entire LGBTQ Glossary

The author has been very vocal about her stance on the transgender movement, taking to social media to comment on the negative effects this intrinsically woke ideology has had on biological women — sparking the ire of transgender activists who have not only labeled Rowling as transphobic but also harassed both her and her loved ones.

“Happy Birthing Parent Day to all whose large gametes were fertilised resulting in small humans whose sex was assigned by doctors making mostly lucky guesses,” mockingly wrote Rowling this past Sunday as she celebrated Mother’s Day.

J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) on X

As expected, disgruntled transgender activists flooded the comments section under the Harry Potter author’s social media post — with some users going as far as declaring that her passing away will be reason to celebrate.

Resorting to a petty insult, X user @ColinYovng simply wrote, “raggedy bitch,” in response to the author’s politically correct Mother’s Day post.

Colin Young (@ColinYovng) on X

“Bet you spent more time on this tweet than the fantastic beasts: the crimes of grindelwald script,” wrote another disgruntled user, choosing to question Rowling’s latest work on the Harry Potter spin-off series, Fantastic Beasts.

pierbi (@pierbiwierbi) on X

Proud member of the pronoun gang, X user @mushycrouton, inquired, “Does it make you feel big an powerful to make fun of LGBTQIA+ people?”

Sam (he/him) (@mushycrouton) on X

Insufferably woke former Star Trek actor George Takei also took time of his day to comment on Rowling’s Mother’s Day post, simply writing, “It makes me so saddened to read remarks like this.”

George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) on X

In a post that suggests the user is offended by Rowling’s existence, @nokeydoesstuff tastelessly asked, “When will you be leaving this earth?”

Nokey (@nokeydoesstuff) on X

More blatant displays of intolerance can be found in the Quotes section pertaining to Rowling’s post, wherein terminally online transgender activists incessantly fantasized about the death of the Harry Potter author.

“Can you like stop existing? That would be great,” suggested @LatinaHeat0. “Like just turn to dist[sic] ir [sic] ash immediately I’m sick of you. Pathetic excuse of human being.”

Alexa (@LatinaHeat0) on X

“If only your birthing parent aborted you :(” wrote a tolerant @fa1ryfru1t.

Cashie poo (@fa1ryfru1t) on X

Another tolerant individual proposed, “You should be fed to Piranhas.”

Dylan (@McKaaaaaa) on X

X user @milk_fr simply resorted to insulting the Harry Potter scribe, calling her a “b—h.”

impossible burger (@milk_fr) on X

Sharing an animated gif of a scene from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, in which Ron’s Queen uses the royal throne to smash the head of Harry’s Knight during a Wizard Chess match, @CommunismMaga declared, “Nobody talks like this and you call yourself a writer?”

“POV: Me proceeding to bash JK Rowling with a f—king chair,” the user then added.

MagaComatose (@CommunismMaga) on X

“This woman hasn’t entertained me this much since 2007,” wrote @Slaztsim, proceeding to fantasize about the death of Rowling by sharing an animated gif of Sub-Zero performing a Fatality on Raiden in Mortal Kombat 2, writing, “Her TERF avatar is such fun!”

pagliacci the hunted (@Slaztsim) on X

Openly declaring that Rowling’s death will be a reason for celebration, @sylvie2099 wrote, “How it feels knowing that your are 40 years older than me and I will be able to celebrate your passing away.”

sylvie (@sylvie2099) on X

Rowling herself brought some receipts as well. Responding to a user who simply called her a “c—t,” the author mocked, “I’d return the compliment, but as the old joke goes, you are neither deep nor warm enough.”

J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) on X

Highlighting yet another tasteless comment that wished death upon her.

“How has she not been beaten and skinned alive for this,” wrote X user @Wumbo____, to which Rowling retorted with a #BeKind hashtag.

J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) on X

RELATED: Museum Of Pop Culture Removes All References To Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Because Of Her Views On Transgender Ideology

The Harry Potter author was not deterred by the many comments she received over the weekend. In a follow-up post, Rowling actually doubled down on the use of politically correct terms in her original Mother’s Day message, writing, “Devastated and bewildered that my embrace of inclusive language has angered its most enthusiastic devotees.”

She then added, “So let’s just say: Happy Mother’s day to all females who’ve raised children.”

J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) on X

Rowling has been the target of harassment campaigns for quite some time now. Her views on transgender ideology have often enraged the woke mob, who has attempted to cancel the author on several occasions.

J.K. Rowling speaks with Stephen Fry for the BBC One Special ‘Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History’ (2022)

RELATED: J.K. Rowling’s Name Removed From Performing Arts School House Over The Author’s Views On Transgender Rights

In January of 2022, Rowling’s name was removed from Essex performing arts school, Boswells School, after several complaints were filed by members of the institution’s staff as well as students.

“Following numerous requests by students and staff we are reviewing the name of our red house ‘Rowling’ and in light of J.K Rowling’s comments and viewpoints surrounding trans people,” at the time the Boswells School explained in a newsletter.

J.K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) reads First Chapter of The Running Grave (September 26th, 2023)

The school further declared, “[Rowling’s] views on this issue do not align with our school policy and school beliefs – a place where people are free to be. Staff have been invited to put forward suggestions of names for the house. Once shortlisted a vote will go out to the whole school to select a new House name.”

In August of 2023, Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture project manager Chris Moore revealed that the museum would erase every trace of Rowling, claiming that her “super hateful and divisive views” on transgender ideology were the main catalyst.

J.K. Rowling speaks with Stephen Fry for the BBC One Special ‘Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History’ (2022)

“Her transphobic viewpoints are front and center these days, but we can’t forget all the other ways that she’s problematic,” Moore decried in a lengthy blog post titled “She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

Moore further railed, “the support of antisemitic creators, the racial stereotypes that she used while creating characters, the incredibly white wizarding world, the fat shaming, the lack of LGBTQIA+ representation, the super-chill outlook on the bigotry and othering of those that don’t fit into the standard wizarding world, and so much more.”

NEXT: J.K. Rowling Responds To U.K. Labour Party’s Reported Plans To Make Deliberate Misgendering A Criminal Offense: “I’ll Happily Do Two Years If The Alternative Is Compelled Speech”

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