Godzilla Actor Bryan Cranston Condemns Cancel Culture

Bryan Cranston

Bryan Cranston, who might have been the best part of the 2014 Godzilla movie, recently condemned cancel culture.

Cranston’s condemnation of cancel culture came in an interview with the Associated Press.

In a video posted to their Twitter account, Cranston stated, “You know we live in this cancel culture of people airing and doing wrong either on purpose or by accident. And there is less forgiveness in our world.”

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“I think we are unfortunately in a coarser environment. I think our societies have become harder and less understanding, less tolerant, less forgiving,” he continued.

Cranston then questioned, “And my question today was where does forgiveness live in our society? Where can we accept someone’s behavior if they are contrite, if they are apologetic, and take some responsibility?

He added, “Isn’t it possible that forgiveness plays a part in that and they are welcomed back in as opposed to creating more fences, creating more ‘You’re out. You’re in. That’s it. You make one mistake, gone.'”

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Cranston then stated, “You know people whether it’s having an impulsive reaction to something and being frightened and doing something wrong and being ostracized for the rest of their lives or something. I think we need to take a second look at that and exhale. And realize that asking forgiveness and receiving forgiveness are not weaknesses, but human strengths.”

Cranston beat COVID-19 back in July 2020. After beating the virus he announced and recorded himself donating his plasma in order to help combat the pandemic.

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To ring in the new year, Cranston posted to Instagram telling his followers that he believes “better days are ahead of us.”

He wrote, “I honestly believe better days are ahead of us. We’re tough. We’re resilient. And we have Netflix.”

“I hope that you and your family are well, and I mean that in more ways than just physical. I hope you have found a way to navigate through these choppy waters with your emotions, your sanity, and your spirit in good shape. At least as good as possible. Can’t ask for more than that,” he continued.

Cranston concluded writing, “Be positive, well, not on your covid test – on that it’s good to be negative. Anyway, I’m rambling now. Wishing you a stellar 2021.”

What do you make of Cranston’s condemnation of cancel culture? Do you think the world could use a little more forgiveness?

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