Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Reveals She Has Received Death Threats Over Her Views On Transgender Issues

Best-selling Scottish author J.K. Rowling, widely known for her creation of the insanely popular Harry Potter series, recently revealed that she has received a number of death threats from various woke transgender activists who disagree with her personal views on transgender issues.

On July 16th, Twitter user @no1guncle tweeted, “What’s your favorite Scottish literary quote? I’ll start,” alongside an image quoting an old tweet of Rowling’s, in which she wrote “I’ve ignored porn tweeted at children“, out of context.
The quoted tweet in question, the first tweet in a lengthy thread, was originally shared by Rowling in July of last year when she felt compelled to to reply to another out-of-context accusation made against her.
In the tweet, Rowling wrote, “I’ve ignored fake tweets attributed to me and RTed widely. I’ve ignored porn tweeted at children on a thread about their art. I’ve ignored death and rape threats. I’m not going to ignore this.”

In reply to @no1guncle’s recent tweet, Rowling wrote, “Juan, I’ll give you a moment to think about leaving that up.”
“I reported every bit of porn so-called trans allies tweeted into Twitter threads where children were sending me artwork for the Ickabog,” said Rowling. “I didn’t respond or retweet it because I didn’t want more kids to see it.”

The author continued, “I’m not sure how these tactics – using porn as a weapon against women you dislike, not caring that children get caught in the crossfire and then misrepresenting what really happened – are supposed to help trans people,”
“Nor do I see how what you’ve done here helps correct the impression that the end game for you & your ilk is to intimidate women out of speaking up for our own rights, no matter how low you have to go to do it,” she further elaborated.

As the thread progressed, Rowling shockingly revealed that her response had led to her reception of death threats from transgender activists.
In response to one threat from Twitter user @queerqegaard, who wrote to the author, “I wish you a very nice pipebomb in mailbox,” Rowling observed, “To be fair, when you can’t get a woman sacked, arrested, or dropped by her publisher, and cancelling her only made her book sales go up, there’s really only one place to go.”

Another Twitter user, who Rowling chose to keep anonymous, asked, if this particular episode of backlash against Rowling was “still because of her comments about safety of women in toilets/changing rooms if men can use them by simply saying they identify as a woman?”
“Yes, but now hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me,” replied Rowling, adding, “I’ve realised that this movement poses no risk to women whatsoever.”

Eventually, as social justice warriors inevtiably began to take offence to her comments, Rowling opted to leave the conversation as is, informing her audience, “Got to get back to my chapter now, but to all the people sending me beautiful, kind, funny and supportive messages, thank you so much.”
“Wish I had time to answer all of you, but Strike and Robin are at a tricky stage of their investigation, so I need to drop a few clues,” concluded the author, alluding to the work she has yet to do in regards to the next entry in her Cormoran Strike series of novels.

However, her exit did little to curb the aforementioned offence taken by numerous Twitter snowflakes from her comments, as users proceeded to even go so far as to justify the death threats being made against her.
“Maybe, (hear me out here) if you use your massive platform to post harmful rhetoric about marginalised people, some of those people getting very upset with you and DMing you reprehensible s—t…. isn’t actually that weird?” rhetorically asked @Recluse_Goose, attempting to justify the spiteful threats sent to Rowling. “Maybe it’s kind of expected actually?”

Accusing the author of pushing a narrative that only certain ideological proponents threatened her life, @Diloon123 wrote, “I bet a million dollars you got the same threats from the Harry Potter fan base but you didn’t want to demonize them so you never whined about it.”

“Jo, Leaders in the community do not advocate violence. However, the far right has been faking trans accounts on social media since 2014 to get exactly this kind of reaction,” wrote @BrynnTannehill, deciding to use this episode as an opportunity to politically grandstand. “They want us dead. Please don’t take the bait they laid.”
In support of their claims, Tannehill shared a single screenshot of a single post on 4chan in which a user can be read arguing, “all trannies should be rounded up and slaughtered like cattle.”

Seemingly accusing Rowling of having made up her reception of death threats, user @Sensiav703
In response to Rowling’s original tweet about receiving death threats from people on Twitter, user @Sensiav703 shared an image that reads “Source(s): Dude trust me”

@MadeLissidini asserted, “So now u might understand how a trans person feels as they’re subjected to this treatment & threats on the regular basis.”
“While most likely nothing will happen to you, millions of trans ppl around the world have to live in a society that encourages (by you) this violent behavior,” the user added, unsurprisingly failing to provide any sort of evidence for their outrageous claims.

“You turned on these folk that you supported,..?? they supported your books….? you baited them, they are angry.!” stated @Angelsfeartogo

@DrinkingQuest “Imagine being a billionaire and the battle you choose to fight is to use your massive global influence to belittle a marginalized community that regularly gets threats like this,” asserted yet another disgruntled user.

What do you make of the spiteful comments that Rowling has been receiving over her views on transgender issues? Be sure to let us know all about it in the comments section down below or on social media!
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