‘The Flash’ Director Andy Muschietti Seems To Spoil Major Character’s Death, But Claims It “Should Not Be Taken As The Absolute Truth”

The Flash director Andy Muschietti recently spoiled one of the major character’s in the film’s death, but made it clear the character’s death “should not be taken as the absolute truth.”

During an appearance on Deadline’s Crew Call podcast, alongside his sister and producer Barbara Muschietti, Andy Muschietti was asked by Deadline’s Anthony D’Alessandro, “I have a spoiler alert question here. So Supergirl, I was upset about her fate in the film. Was that always plotted that way?”
Andy Muschietti answered, “Well, the great thing about Multiverse is that that Supergirl lives in a million other timelines, right? So, nobody should– I mean, I don’t wanna spoil it, but whatever happens to Supergirl in this movie should not be taken as the absolute truth.”

“We can see Supergirl, this Supergirl, Sasha Calle, in future projects,” he continued. “We might, because that’s how the Multiverse works. It’s clearly explained by Bruce Wayne. It’s like spaghetti.”
Barbara Muschietti then added, “The possibilities are endless.”

Actress Sasha Calle spoke about the character in an interview with Fandango at the end of last week saying, “I always say that I felt this character was written in the stars for me to play and it was just wild because a lot of her feelings I had experienced in my life. And I think that’s a wild thing to discover, right, that like to really trust the universe because even if you’re having bad days the universe really knows what it’s doing and it’s guiding you.”
“And when I got this job and when I had to feel all her feelings, I have them. I had a little pocket of like, you know what that feels like. You know what isolation feels like. You know what grief feels like. You know what protecting someone feels like. That’s a really beautiful thing. I think she’s a such a beautiful superhero and I’m just so honored to love her and become her,” she added.
When asked if she would be interested in returning to the role, Calle said, “You don’t have to ask me that. You don’t have to ask me that. I hope so. I hope I can continue playing her and unraveling all her beautiful aspects. I feel like this movie is a runway to her, and discovering her, and discovering her beauties and complexities.”
“We discover a lot of her pain and her grief, but she’s also joy. And she’s just so — I really love her. I really think the world has to more of her, for sure,” Calle concluded.

What do you make of Muschietti’s comments regarding Supergirl’s fate in The Flash?
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