Marvel Announces New Punisher Series from Garth Ennis
Marvel Comics announced a new Punisher series, Punisher Soviet, from writer Garth Ennis and artist Jacen Burrows.
Ennis returns to the Punisher following his six-issue limited series Punisher: The Platoon with artist Goran Parlov. That series debuted in 2017 and ended in 2018. Ennis previously completed his Punisher Max series in 2008 with Punisher Max #60. Ennis recently saw his graphic novel The Boys get a TV adaptation from Amazon. (Related: Marvel Radically Alters Frank Castle and The Punisher’s Origins in Savage Avengers)

This new six-issue limited series titled, Punisher Soviet, will see Frank Castle team up with a mystery ally as he hunts down the Russian mob. In fact, this mystery ally is beating The Punisher to the kill. But the Russian mob believes it is Frank who is taking them down.
Ennis spoke to about why he loves Frank Castle. (Related: 8 of the Most GRUESOME Punisher Kills!)
“There’s a brilliant simplicity about Frank. He never changes — in an ever-shifting and evolving world, he remains resolutely himself.”
He also had high praise for artist Jacen Burrows. (Related: The Punisher Absolutely Savages Hydra Goons!)
“Jacen is easily one of my top ten collaborators — he’s a master storyteller, an expert at both characters and action. We did some of my all-time favorite work together, such as Crossed, Wormwood, and — particularly relevant for readers of PUNISHER SOVIET — 303.”

Punisher Soviet #1 will hit comic book shelves in November. It will feature a main cover by Paolo Rivera as well as a variant cover by Jacen Burrows.
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