Plot Synopsis for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Sees Return of Time Stone and an “Unspeakable Evil”
A plot synopsis for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness details that the Time Stone will return following the events of Avengers: Endgame.
The plot synopsis found on IMDB reads, “After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Dr. Stephen Strange continues his research on the Time Stone.”
It continues, “But an old friend turned enemy seeks to destroy every sorcerer on Earth, messing with Strange’s plan and also causing him to unleash an unspeakable evil.”
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A similar synopsis appears on the casting call website Backstage. A screenshot from Reddit user QuirkyHero shows a synopsis that reads:
“After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Dr. Stephen Strange continues his research on the Time Stone. But an old friend-turned-enemy puts an end to his plans and causes Strange to unleash unspeakable evil.”
The casting call also reads:
“Director Scott Derrickson has left the project and there’s not a replacement as yet. However, production is still planned for this summer in the UK. Veteran US casting director Sarah Finn is confirmed to be on board and it’s likely that Marvel’s trusty UK casting director Reg Poerscout-Edgerton will be casting soon.”
The plot synopsis reads as if Baron Mordo played by Chiwetel Ejiofor will play a significant role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
At the end of Doctor Strange, Mordo details he’s had a revelation, “The true purpose of a sorcerer is to twist things out of their proper shape. Stealing power. Perverting nature.”
He then steals the magic allowing Jonathan Pangborn to walk. When asked why he is doing it, Mordo responds, “Because I see at long last what is wrong with the world. Too many sorcerers.”
And while it wouldn’t be a surprise for the Doctor Strange sequel to follow-up on this post-credit scene, all indications from Kevin Feige indicated that Scarlet Witch would play a prominent role in the film.
When Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was announced at San Diego Comic Con, Feige noted, “The Scarlet Witch is appearing in this movie.”
Feige added, “The events that you will see Wanda go through in the WandaVision epic series will be reflected and tied directly into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.”
While the idea that Ejiofor’s Mordo might play a more prominent role in the film than expected, the more interesting bit of information from this synopsis is the fact that the Time Stone appears to have returned.
In Avengers: Endgame, Thanos revealed he destroyed all of the Infinity Stones.
Thanos tells Banner, “I used the Stones to destroy the Stones.”
While Thanos destroyed those stones, The Avengers would travel through dimensions and across time to acquire new Infinity Stones in order to undo Thanos’ Snap. After undoing Thanos’ snap and defeating a Thanos from an alternate universe/timeline, Captain America is tasked with returning all of the Time Stones to where they came from.
Banner tells him, “Remember, you have to return the Stones to the exact moment you got them or you are going to open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”
Captain America does reveal that he returned the Stones, but he did bring back a new shield possibly indicating he created an alternate timeline/dimension. And even if Captain America did not create a new timeline or alternate dimension when the Avengers were attempting to acquire the Infinity Stones to undo Thanos’ snap they lose the Space Stone to Loki, who could have gotten up to all kinds of trouble.
It’s possible this new Time Stone referenced in the synopsis could be from an alternate reality or dimension or it’s from a Doctor Strange in an alternate reality who is studying the Time Stone.
What do you make of this new synopsis and how do you think it affects the MCU? What do you expect from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?
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