Twitter Users Want To Cancel YouTuber Ryan Kinel, One Wishes For His Death Over His Review Of The Batman

Source: RK Outpost Live

Source: RK Outpost Live

Twitter users expressed their outrage and their desire to want YouTuber Ryan Kinel cancelled following a clip of his review of The Batman began circulating on the social media platform.

Twitter user ZakReckless took to Twitter where he wrote, “Saw a The Batman review that said he didn’t like that there were more good black people than whites. I’m stunned.”

When challenged on the assertion, the Twitter user shared a clip of Kinel’s review where he states, “But there were only a couple good people in this movie. You had Bruce Wayne, Batman, and you had Alfred. Those are the only two good white people. The rest of the really three other major players that I would consider like overall moral good people were — you had Jim Gordon, who is black in this. You had Catwoman, who is not white in this. And then you had the mayor who is a black woman. Again, very much on the nose for current day Hollywood. Did not like that.”

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The quote is clearly taken out of context and in his full review, Kinel begins the segment discussing his complaints about the film, specifically involving identity politics.

He begins it saying, “A couple other complaints that I have and they have a little bit to do with identity politics. There was one line that was in this movie that really threw me out of it. It was when Catwoman basically is saying they only care about themselves — these white privileged people.”

“You didn’t need to use the word white, you could have just said privilege and that would have basically done the job. But they said white privileged people. It was very distinct, very much stood out. It bothered me and it took me out of it. It’s not something that needed to be done, but they threw it in there. I think it was way too on the nose. Didn’t like it,” he added.

He continued, “Another thing, and this is a little bit of a spoiler I guess. Warning for spoilers. It’s not a major one. But there were only a couple good people in this movie. You had Bruce Wayne, Batman, and you had Alfred. Those are the only two good white people.”

“The rest of the really three other major players that I would consider like overall moral good people were — you had Jim Gordon, who is black in this. You had Catwoman, who is not white in this. And then you had the mayor who is a black woman. Again, very much on the nose for current day Hollywood. Did not like that. Took a little bit off the score for me to be honest,” he said.

He then rated the film an eight out of ten.

Numerous Twitter users would decry Kinel as racist and try to get him removed from YouTube.

Razorwire Ryan tweeted, “Holy f***ing racist shit.”

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GrrdCC tweeted, “Oh, look! A DeSantis lover and Ben Shapiro follower being a racist c***. Who knew!”

Yutakanaxhi called for segregation to return writing, “bring segregation back please these white people are getting way too comfortable.”

Parkermcnerney wrote, “Weird way to put ‘I’m racist.'”

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“He’s not even hiding the racism??????”, tweeted casclvr.

_SarahRad wrote, “I genuinely cannot wrap my mind around this. The DC fandom needs to be cleansed with holy fire.”

JustTheGoat216 called for Kinel and all of Geeks + Gamers death writing, “Geeks+Gamers should all d!e.”

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“Ryan Kinel deserves to have his face stomped,” tweeted Reneiscursed.

DuelLinksPlayer tweeted, “I want to punch this guy in the face so bad.”

MicahBurkholde2 tweeted, “I want this guy cancelled.”

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Sam_porg tweeted, “What’s up with the way racist scum are always making there racist trash videos while seated in vehicles?”

Twitter user KitKatisWeird7 would call for people to mass report Kinel’s YouTube channel writing, “Guys, get this video reported for racism.”

ZakReckless would also call for Kinel’s channel to be reported.

He wrote, “Make sure to report his channel,” and then shared a tweet from KitKatisWeird7 reporting Kinel’s channel.

KitKatisWeird7 wrote in her report, “He goes on a full racist rant about how the only good character in The Batman are the white ones and specifically attacks the other characters for being a different race. YouTube, you NEED to tackle ‘Anti SJW’ content now. They’ve been allowed to spew bigotry unchecked for the last 6 years. It needs to stop.”


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Clearly, KitKatisWeird7 didn’t watch the clip or didn’t understand because Kinel actually notes there are only two good white characters, Batman and Alfred, and three good black characters being a race-swapped Commissioner Gordon, Catwoman, and the mayor.

Kinel would react to these Twitter users and other in a video stating, “Oh my gosh! What am I going to do? How will I ever recover from this? Obviously, what I’m talking about in this was a section where I talked about identity politics in this movie.”

“No mention of the fact that I liked the movie. No mention of the fact that I gave it an 8 out of 10. No mention of the fact that I said I thought it was really good. Just, ‘Well he didn’t like the fact that there were more good black people than white people,” he continued.

Kinel went on, “Now, me talking about who I thought was a good person or shown as a good person in this movie, if you actually go watch it, it was about a small segment that I did about things that I did not like about the movie based on identity politics.”

He then declared, “Anyone with an IQ above room temperature could understand that what I’m talking about here is not simply, ‘Well there were more good black people than good white people so I didn’t like it,’ it was talking about the fact that every other white person, every single white person in this movie was portrayed as evil. Every living white person in this movie was portrayed as an evil piece of garbage except for Batman and Alfred. That’s what the statement is talking about. That’s what I’m trying to get across.”

“Even though [that] I didn’t ruin the movie for me you can’t get away from that agenda in Hollywood right now. That’s obvious. We all understand and know that,” he explained.

What do you make of Kinel’s review of The Batman? What about the people wanting him cancelled and wishing to inflict violence and death on him?

NEXT: The Batman Actor Jeffrey Wright Responds To Tweet Asking If He Should Play the “Good White Person” Commissioner Gordon

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