Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right, Star Wars Host Krystina Arielle Shares Alleged Hateful Posts Directed At Her

Star Wars host Krystina Arielle still has not addressed her tweets describing white people as racist. However, she did take to social media to share a number of alleged hateful comments directed at her.
For those who have not been following this story, Bounding Into Comics reported on a number of tweets Arielle posted to Twitter over the course of 2020. In a number of those tweets she calls white people racist. In others she specifically targets white women and white conservatives.
For example, in March 2020, she wrote, “White people: f***ing stop it. Your racism won’t save you. Your ignorance is not an excuse.”
Later in March she would target white conservatives and President Donald Trump writing, “White conservatives please stop invoking racism like you give a s***. You don’t. You just want to be able to say ‘what about’ when someone calls out 45 and his blatant racism.”
In June she would again go after white people.
She wrote, “I don’t have an ego. I am also not a bully. I have said repeatedly I don’t owe White people a conversation about racism. I’ve been living with it. They’ve been doling it out. I am not entering a conversation where people are intent on not understanding me.”
Later in the month she targeted white women writing, “Just a reminder White Women are just as complicit in the upholding and enforcing White Supremacy.”
Related: Star Wars And Lucasfilm Officially Support Calling All White People Racist
Following our expose, which was inspired by a report from Disney Star Wars Is Dumb, the official Star Wars Twitter account would endorse Arielle’s views that white people are racist.
The account wrote, “Our Star Wars community is one of hope and inclusivity. We do not stand for bullying and racism. We support Krystina Arielle.”
Now, Arielle has posted a number of alleged screen shots she claims to have received.
The Star Wars: The High Republic Host shared seven photos and wrote, “We the last 24 hours have been … not the greatest.”
In the first photo she shared someone allegedly sent her a monkey and banana emoji.
Another appears to have sent her an email and wrote, “Hey racist you hate white people well I’m white oh wait I am mixed or wait a minute not telling you cause you’re a racist and full black nationalist and your high republic stories are garbage and you’re full of shit and I hope you get even more harassment and Lucasfilm are shown to be racist. F*** you n****.”
The next alleged message saw a person write, “When your black and you hate people because they are white makes you a take your ghetto hair, stinky snatch racist black hate elite ass and go blow a light are the problem of America and the world.”
The fourth person allegedly wrote, “You only got the Star Wars job because they were trying to fulfil some kind of ill-advised race-based quota. deep down, you know this.”
In a follow-up tweet, she shared three more alleged comments.
The first photo sees a person write, “Hurry up and get in a coffin please. The world doesn’t need you.”
They then shared a number of banana, watermelon, and chicken emojis.
Related: After Star Wars Condemns Bullying, Gina Carano Haters Call For Her To Be Fired
The next shared image sees one person write, “Hey n*****!”
Another person writes, “Your views on race and gender are extrem…”
Finally, the last image sees another person write, “you deserve all the hate you’re getting lmao.”
Related: Andy Signore Threatened With Physical Violence and Castration For Defending Gina Carano
While these alleged comments directed at Arielle are disgusting and should be condemned, indeed the Bounding Into Comics team does condemn them, they do not absolve Arielle of her own tweets and comments targeted at white people.
As the old adage goes two wrongs do not make a right.
Unfortunately, though unsurprisingly, it appears Twitter does not agree, as Arielle has since had her account verified.
Rather than fuel further hatred and hypocritically claiming to fight racism while espousing it, racist instigators on both sides of the argument could benefit from taking a page out of Gina Carano’s book.
In the midst of this controversy she shared a message that read, “The moment we refuse to hurt others because of our own pain, is the time we evolve as souls.”
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