Sketch Comedy Series ‘That Show Tonight’ Offers An Alternative To Late Night Comedy, Roasts Joe Biden And The White House With Nursing Home Skit

Michael Loftus as Hunter Biden in the comedy sketch 'A Place for Dad' on 'That Show Tonight.'
Michael Loftus in 'A Place for Dad' (2022) comedy sketch, That Show Tonight YouTube

What happens when an old man no longer can take care of himself and his son can’t either? He needs to find somewhere new to live. And sketch comedy series That Show Tonight noticed that the White House sure seems like it’s Joe Biden’s “A Place for Dad.”

Michael Loftus as Hunter Biden in the comedy sketch 'A Place for Dad' on 'That Show Tonight.'

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Ol’ Joe Biden tripped going up stairs again the other day. The regime media tried to downplay it because they abhor the truth. Everyone else noticed it, though. And everyone else saw it for what it really was: the latest example of how Joe Biden is also quite enfeebled. It’s long been a ripe topic for comedy for anyone who wants it.

And the crew at That Show Tonight took it on a short time ago. They noticed that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue seems a lot less like the center of American power and more like a musty old building where a certain son is stashing away a crazy old man. The White House is now just “A Place for Dad.”

A Place for Dad is “a senior living facility like no other.” Indeed, it is. A stately white building with columns? Check. Serene gardens and green grounds? Check. A full-time staff to make sure the person in its care is healthy-ish and doing as well as he can? Activities and entertainment—field trips and ice cream—to stave off boredom? Check and check.

Loved ones can relax knowing that their family member is safe at the White House—er, A Place for Dad. So no more worrying and no more wondering for sons “who have a lifestyle that requires” them “to stay up a lot.” At least, no more worrying and wondering for sons who can get their geriatric pop into A Place for Dad.

A 2023 tweet from the official 'That Show Tonight' Twitter account.

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That Show Tonight has many other great skits out there too. “World’s First Trans Ice Skater!” is one of them. Where does the satire end and reality begin? Or vice versa? Hard to say. Seriously, watch the video. There’s actual, real-life footage included in it, but it would arguably be impossible to tell at any other time in the history of the world.

The sketch series is a mixture of new faces and familiar ones. And that makes for some unique combinations, like Jim Breuer, Michael Loftus, and Shawn Farash (the world’s best Trump impersonator) on stage together.

There are a ton of other clips on the official YouTube channel. Those who want to binge won’t have a shortage of videos to choose from. And for entire episodes, head over to the official That Show Tonight website. The sketch comedy series is audience-supported and fans have the option of choosing between a monthly or annual subscription.

All the old late-night comedy series that people once loved have gone woke. People gripe about the destruction and it’s understandable. At the same time, complaining isn’t going to change a thing. But the good news is that there are new things to discover. That Show Tonight is one of those new things. So have a good larf with “A Place for Dad” and more.

A 2023 tweet from the official 'The Loftus Party' Twitter account.

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On a belated full disclosure note, the author of this post previously contributed to The Loftus Party, which Michael Loftus of That Show Tonight runs.

The author of this post also helped Michael Loftus write Neither Stunning nor Brave, a humorous dystopian sci-fi novel. Check it out on Amazon!

Book cover of the comedic sci-fi novel, 'Neither Stunning nor Brave' (2022) by Michael Loftus.

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