Gina Carano Reacts To Attack On Riley Gaines: “This Is Horrifying”

MMA fighter turned actress Gina Carano reacted to the recent attack on Riley Gaines following a speech at San Francisco State University about saving women’s sports.

Gaines shared footage from the event and detailed she “was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man.” Gaines further stated, “This is proof that women need sex-protected space.”
She would also add, “Still only further assures me I’m doing something right. When they want you silent, speak louder.”
The prisoners are running the asylum at SFSU…I was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man. This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces.
Still only further assures me I’m doing something right. When they want you silent, speak louder. 🗣️
— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 7, 2023
Carano shared her reaction to the attack on Gaines in response to footage originally shared by David Llamas and then subsequently shared by the Independent Women’s Forum.
Carano wrote, “This is horrifying. It is NOT transphobic to say that biological men should not be competing against biological women in sports. Many trans people understand and agree with this.”
“This is so disgustingly abusive and harmful and it is encouraging acts of violence against women. These protestors cannot debate this with logic or words so they resort to bullying and violence. Cowards,” Carano asserted.
She continued, “Ask yourself why the majority is trans women moving over into women’s sports and why we don’t see many trans men successfully transferring and competing against men, why doesn’t this go both ways, why are only women’s sports negatively effected?”

“Mental health, a way of life, living a dream are all directly related to women competing in sports, and so much more,” Carano went on.
She then detailed, “The knowledge that comes with training, the excitement of getting a college scholarship to go play for a team or go to the Olympics and compete on a fair stage, the ability to make money and support themselves, sponsorships, entire futures are built on women competing in sports. Even if someone doesn’t end up becoming a professional, just playing for a team in high school can be life changing.”
“Do not take that away from women. Do not rob young girls and women of that experience and shaming them and now PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING them when they say this is not fair,” Carano declared.

She then questioned, “How many more women and young girls are we going to let this happen to? How many more assaults need to happen? How many careers stumped and cheated?”
“It’s going to get worse if more people don’t speak out. Young women and girls need YOU to say ENOUGH, they need your protection as a logical people to say this isn’t the way to invoke positive change,” she encouraged her followers.
“This is not transphobia it simply means we are not there and might never be so find another way to be inclusive and loving towards trans people without it directly harming women,” Carano reiterated.
She concluded offering her support to Gaines, “I hope you are ok, Riley Gaines, you are not alone.”
This is horrifying.
It is NOT transphobic to say that biological men should not be competing against biological women in sports. Many trans people understand and agree with this.
This is so disgustingly abusive and harmful and it is encouraging acts of violence against women.…— Gina Carano 🕯 (@ginacarano) April 7, 2023
While Carano’s sentiments seem to be well-meaning, they are in fact self-defeating as she has already ceded ground and is propping up the lie of transgender ideology that one can indeed change one’s sex from male to female or female to male, a mistake that Gaines has also made numerous times when discussing the subject.
Carano makes this mistake when she claims, “Many trans people understand and agree with this.” “Trans people” don’t actually exist as humans are created male and female and it is impossible to change one’s sex from male to female or female to male.

The Committee on Doctrine of the United States of Conference of Catholic Bishops recently published a Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body, which states, “Human bodiliness is, in turn, intrinsically connected with human sexual differentiation. Just as every human person necessarily has a body, so also human bodies, like those of other mammals, are sexually differentiated as male or female: ‘Males and female he created them’ (Gen 1:27).”
The note continues, “Saint John Paul II reminded us that, in the Book of Genesis, we learn that ‘Man is created ‘from the very beginning’ as male and female: the life of all humanity—whether of small communities or of society as a whole—is marked by this primordial duality.’ The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms: ‘Man and woman have been created, which is to say, willed by God: on the one hand, in perfect equality as human persons; on the other, in their respective beings as man and woman. ‘Being man’ or ‘being woman’ is a reality which is good and willed by God.’ Just as bodiliness is a fundamental aspect of human existence, so is either ‘being a man’ or ‘being a woman’ a fundamental aspect of existence as a human being, expressing a person’s unitive and procreative finality.”

RELATED: Gina Carano Rebukes The Media Lies About Her: “Have Journalists Completely Given Up On Research?”
While Carano tacitly falls for the lie of transgender ideology, she is correct in condemning the immoral violence of the transgender activists and “protestors” that attacked Gaines. Their actions are “horrifying” as well as “disgustingly abusive and harmful.”
She is also correct in calling for people to reject this ideology that is taking over women’s sports and our society at-large. However, one must be armed with the truth in order to combat this ideology, and not fall for misguided charity or false compassion.

Bishop Burbidge explains this trap, “In this sensitive area of identity, however, there is a great danger of a misguided charity and false compassion. In this regard, we must recall, ‘Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral.’ Christians must always speak and act with both charity and truth. After the example of the Apostle Paul, they are to seek to speak the truth in love.”
He adds, “The claim to ‘be transgender’ or the desire to seek ‘transition’ rests on a mistaken view of the human person, rejects the body as a gift from God, and leads to grave harm. To affirm someone in an identity at odds with biological sex or to affirm a person’s desired ‘transition’ is to mislead that person. It involves speaking and interacting with that person in an untruthful manner. Although the law of gradualness might prompt us to discern the best time to communicate the fullness of the truth, in no circumstances can we confirm a person in error.”

What do you make of Carano’s response to the attack on Riley Gaines?
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