Vic Mignogna Claims He Was Publicly Targeted by Goku Voice Actor Sean Schemmel “Because of My Openness About My Faith”

Vic Mignogna, the former voice of Broly in the Dragon Ball franchise, claimed in a recent livestream that many of his fellow Dragon Ball voice actors, including those involved with the allegations of sexual misconduct against him, had feigned friendship with him, save for Son Goku voice actor Sean Schemmel, who Mignogna claims targeted him publicly “because of my openness about my faith.”

Streaming on the Unlocked app, Mignogna spoke to fans directly during his weekly livestream where he discussed the sexual misconduct allegations against him, continuing to defend himself against the allegations and denying their veracity while also asking supporters who were targeted by his critics to put their well-being above news coverage of the ongoing controversy.

During the stream, Mignogna remarks that he felt betrayed by many of his fellow Dragon Ball voice actors who support or made the accusations against him, such as Jamie Marchi (Marcarita), Monica Rial (Bulma), and Chris Sabat (Vegeta), as they had “pretended to be my friends when it benefited them to do so.”

Related: Anime Outsiders’ Cody Baier Claims Dragon Ball Super: Broly Voice Actor Vic Mignogna Targeted With Sexual Misconduct Accusations Due to His Conservative Christian Beliefs

Mignogna makes an exception for Schemmel, whom Mignogna claims has “always publicly expressed his hatred for me” due to his Christian faith:

“[3:05] Everyone of these industry people, everyone one of them, with the exception of Sean Schemmel who has always publicly expressed his hatred for me and he told me himself, at the Broly premiere, that it was because of my openness about my faith. That he didn’t think I should be sharing my faith with fans. With the exception of Sean Schemmel who has been openly hateful to me, every single one of these industry people have pretended to be my friend as long as I’ve known them. That means Jamie, Monica, Sabat, Kara Edwards, D.C. Douglas, others. They’ve all pretended to be my friends when it benefited them to do so. As for the rest of the vocal haters, they have no connection to this situation at all, except for the lies they’ve chosen to tell.”

Schemmel’s alleged “hatred” of Mignogna is strongly supported by the existence of a video in which Schemmel and Sonny Strait (Krillin) make fun of Mignogna. While Schemmel and Strait claim that the video was a well-natured joke between co-workers, some fans believe that the video was a mean-spirited mocking of Mignogna.

Related: Vic Mignogna Thanks Fans, Asks for Continued Support at Future Appearances in Recent Livestream

Related: Amanda Winn-Lee Recorded Taking Shots at Vic Mignogna and Supporters During Ohayocon Roast

Later in the stream, Mignogna notes that he has “friends at Funimation” who could confirm that “these people feigned friendship with m,e, with some witnessing this alleged deception “as recently as a week before the attacks began online.”:

“[9:16] All of these people feigned friendship with me when it benefited them to do so. Let that sink in. I’ll tell you something else: I still have friends at Funimation who contacted me privately to say how disgusted they are with these voice actors, and you know why? Because they personally witnessed with their own eyes all of these voice actors hugging, and smiling, and joking, and working together, they witnessed with their own eyes all of these people pretending to be my friends and faking this friendship towards me as recently as a week before the attacks began online.”

As is usual with Mignogna, he ended the live stream by thanking his fans for their continued support.

As of December 2023, Spencer is the Editor-in-Chief of Bounding Into Comics. A life-long anime fan, comic book reader, ... More about Spencer Baculi
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