C-3PO Actor Anthony Daniels Reveals Mark Hamill Was “Appalled” With “Original Script” For Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels has revealed that iconic Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill was “appalled” with the original script for Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

mark Hamill Luke Skywalker

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Last year, Daniels released his memoir, I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story, which alongside anecdotes and recollections from his life, featured numerous insights into the actor’s time playing the gold-plated protocol droid.

As brought to recent attention by Disney Star Wars Is Dumb and reported on at the time by SyFyWire, one such insight included an exchange between Daniels and Hamill in which the actor who portrayed the once proud Jedi Knight told his Star Wars co-star that he was “appalled” with the treatment of their iconic characters as written in the original script for The Last Jedi.

Star Wars Luke Skywalker

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“Thanks for the more than kind words, Tony,” wrote Hamill in his email to Daniels. I grew so fond of our fictional relationship; it was hard to be separated in this new trilogy. You & R2 were my family & they certainly didn’t dare to take Chewie away from Han.”

“I was appalled that in the original script for VIII, I just walked by without even acknowledging you! I was grateful that Rian let us at least have that brief farewell moment, even if it was only a nod & a wink. Perhaps it was fitting, as there are no words to convey the depth of Luke’s gratitude to his faithful sidekick, just as there are no words to express mine to you.”

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“Thank you for a lifetime of fond memories, friend,” concluded Hamill.

Daniels described Hamill’s email as “the most touching message I and Threepio ever had.”

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In an interview given around in promotion of his memoir, Daniels noted that the sequel films had “been particularly difficult for him (Hamill) lately because the new movies haven’t given him much to do,” and emphatically stated that he could “certainly recognise that and can relate to it,”

“In these new movies, I have felt like a table decoration. And that is difficult because I recognise this character (C-3PO) is worth so much more,” said Daniels. “That is just my personal disappointment. I get paid whether or not he does anything but it would be nice for him to have a purpose.”

What do you make of Hamill’s email? How would you have handled C-3PO and Luke Skywalker’s sequel relationship? Let us know your thoughts on social media or in the comments down below!

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