Thor: Love And Thunder Actor Natalie Portman Rewrites Classic Fairytales That Mainly Focus On Male Characters

Source: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Thor: Love And Thunder actor Natalie Portman recently revealed that she’s taken it upon herself to rewrite classic fairytales because they mainly feature male protagonists; publishing a book that features gender-neutral characters instead.

According to Hello! magazine, as reported by Breitbart, Portman decided to rewrite some of these classic fairytales because they “did not reflect the world” in her book titled Natalie Portman’s Fables.

Portman explained, “I found myself changing the pronouns in many of their books because so many of them had overwhelmingly male characters, disproportionate to reality.”

“Boys need to see that women have a multitude of opportunities open to them, to consider what they think and feel, and how they experience the world,” the Star Wars actor continued.

James Halliwell-Phillips’ “The Three Little Pigs,” as well as Aesop’s “The Tortoise and the Hare,” and “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” are the classic fairytales that Natalie Portman deemed necessary to give a breath of fresh 21st century air.

Portman also goes on to explain how strong, independent women can’t always be depicted in a way that makes them seem perfect.

“Women don’t just need to be badass warriors or fierce and confident. We also need characters who have self-doubt, who make mistakes, because we all mess up, we’re human,” Portman told Hello! magazine.

“So many people say things like ‘Women are stronger and better leaders’ and think they’re making a feminist statement. But it’s limiting for a woman, for anyone, to be put on a pedestal,” she said.

She would go on to add, “A pedestal is just another kind of cage.”

However, in an interview with Good Morning America back in October, Portman took the opportunity to explain why it is important for her to portray a powerful female character, especially now that she will be playing a Mjolnir-wielding Jane Foster in Taika Waititi’s upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder.

“For boys to see women in positions of power is almost more important than for girls, because I think that is the way we raise a generation that will just look at all genders as human,” Portman said.

She added, “And that’s how we get to equality.”

Related: Thor Actress Natalie Portman Reveals How She Talks To Her Kids About Gender Roles And Societal Perceptions Of Gender

Also while promoting her Natalie Portman’s Fables, the actress was asked about how she discusses gender roles with her children in October. She stated, “The thing is, you have to think what is age-appropriate for kids. Kids don’t come out knowing that there are obstacles. I don’t really want to introduce to my child at three that she’s going to have all these hardships because she’s a girl. We can talk about it when she’s older.”

She continued, “For a boy, I think the most important thing is to be conscious how what you do or what you say can make other people. That’s what storytelling is. You want to talk to them equally about the issues.”

“For me, I don’t really want to talk about the big issues right now with them. I think it’s too early. I started talking to my son a little bit about how to treat people nicely. The core of it is just caring for other people and imagining how they feel,” the actor added.

She went on to say, “If anything the boys need it more than the girls. At three, the age my daughter is now — it’s not necessarily something they would understand anyway or that I am excited to introduce.  Oh, here’s an obstacle. They’re so unaware of any kind of gender definitions or restrictions.”

Finally, she concluded, “What I wanted to teach both of them was to have empathy for all people. It’s exposing them to stories that have protagonists that are all genders, backgrounds, and ability levels.”

Related: Report: Thor Actor Natalie Portman and Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson Sign Open Letter To Defund Police Departments

This wouldn’t be the first time that the Star Wars and Thor actor has pandered to the leftist demographic. In June of last year, for instance, Portman and controversial MCU colleague Brie Larson signed an open letter to defund the police.

Portman also protested unrecognised female directors during the Academy Awards ceremony in February of 2020, with said female directors’ embroidered names on her cape, but she was immediately called out for her hypocrisy.

It seems that these days not even classic tales — by authors like Greek fabulist Aesop, no less — are out of bounds for self-entitled SJWs who believe the world would be a better place if they rewrote history to fit their woke narrative. 

Let’s not forget that even Dr. Seuss was cancelled earlier this month, as Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced that they would stop selling six of their classic books stating, “These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”

Do you believe that classic fairytales books — or any book, for that matter — should get the gender-neutral treatment? Is nothing sacred any more? Sound off your thoughts in the comment section down below or on social media and let us know.

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