YouTuber Overlord DVD Roasts Obi-Wan Kenobi Says It “Is Nothing Less Than The Last Jedi All Over Again”

YouTuber Overlord DVD roasted the latest episode of Lucasfilm’s Obi-Wan Kenobi show describing it as “nothing less than The Last Jedi all over again.”

Reviewing Part III of the six part limited series and referencing the other two episodes, Overlord DVD justified the bold statement by first recalling everything Star Wars has done to its male characters under Kathleen Kennedy’s direction.
He says, “The degradation and destruction of Luke Skywalker was no accident. It’s part of Kennedy’s obsession. The systematic dismantling and subversion of the very universe she swore to George Lucas she’d protect. And why? Because the Force is female. Because intersectional feminism is Kennedy’s ultimate goal. Because to dismantle the so-called patriarchy one must attack its pillars on every front including pop culture.”
RELATED: Audience Scores Plummet For Obi-Wan Kenobi Show After Episode 3 Debut
He continues, “I’m so angry as I do this review because I’ve seen the third episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi and I can sum up my review in this way: Episode 3 was an excellent episode built on top of a rotten foundation, and that rotten foundation is the fundamental abuse of Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“This was not unexpected,” he laments. “After all, in The Force Awakens they completely humiliated Han Solo, who forgot where he parked the Falcon for 30 years, only showing up to have the amazing wonder Rey show him how to fly the damn thing. And then later on strolling right into the business end of a lightsaber.”

Moving to Luke Skywalker, the YouTuber says, “And then in The Last Jedi they utterly annihilated Luke Skywalker and those poor deluded souls who saw it in theaters actually paid money to behold the spectacle of a pop culture icon of masculine bravery and nobility humiliated and perverted to the point where we could no longer regard him as a hero, just a sad, washed up, cowardly quitter, who ran away from his responsibilities at the first sign of trouble, who tried to kill his own nephew, who betrayed his Jedi calling to suck on space manatees and eat fish.”
“They turned Boba Fett into a wimpy ineffectual bacta tank soaking dips**t, who much like other inert bodies just occupied space while chicks on Vespas drove around doing his fighting for him,” he asserted.

Moving on to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Overlord DVD states, “I am seething with anger as I make this video because what Kennedy and director Deborah Chow have brought us is a camouflaged bit of character assassination.”
He explains, “Whereas Luke Skywalker was publicly beheaded without any fanfare, out in the open for anyone to clearly see, this bit of character assassination is sly. So sly that many of you may not clearly see what’s going on.”

A little bit further into the video, Overlord DVD says, “Obi-Wan Kenobi has been farting around doing menial labor for 10 years as the show opens. He’s supposed to be watching over Luke Skywalker. That’s his sole mission now. So how he is pursuing his mission?”
“Obi-Wan has not contacted Qui-Gon Jinn as Yoda instructed. Although it seems like he’s tried in a half-a**ed way, but that’s not here nor there. Obi-Wan has clearly not been keeping up with his training in the Force. We see that clearly because he only uses the Force once in three episodes. To save Leia when she’s falling off a building. And even then it’s a huge strain for him. A ridiculously huge strain for a Jedi Master.”

“And he protects Luke so well, he buries his own lightsabers in the sand — Anakin’s lightsaber and his own — he just buries them and leaves them,” Overlord DVD points out. “So I ask you: How the hell is Obi-Wan protecting Luke exactly? If trouble comes and threatens Luke, Obi-Wan has no lightsaber to defend him with.”
“He hasn’t been practicing his Force skills so they’re pretty much of little use to him in an emergency and worse Kenobi no longer even believes in the mission,” he continues. “No longer believes in the Jedi. As badly as Kenobi has neglected his mission and failed in every regard, that way, he is shown to be even more cowardly than Luke.”

“Look at how they have Obi-Wan behave,” he says. “When the Inquisitors come to Tatooine looking for rogue Jedi they show up in the square, chop a woman’s hand off for no reason, they threaten Uncle Own himself, Lars Owen himself, as Reva holds the lightsaber to his throat and says tell me where Kenobi is or I’ll kill you.”
“And since she, moments ago, chopped a woman’s hand off just for s***s and giggles, we know that Reva means it. And what does Kenobi do? He cowers and hides,” Overlord DVD correctly notes. “A real hero would have stepped out in fought or surrendered himself to save lives. But no, no, Kenobi looks scared and sweats as he hides saying, ‘Ah well, tough luck Owen.’ He’s absolutely prepared to let Uncle Owen be executed to save his own a**. Is this Obi-Wan Kenobi?”

Overlord DVD then reiterates, “Kenobi does not believe in the Jedi anymore. They’re dead as far as he’s concerned. They lost and that’s that.”
He then compares both Kenobi and Luke, “Look at the two instances, they are one and the same. Luke gave up on the Jedi. Kenobi gave up on the Jedi. Luke is bitter and cowardly. Kenobi is bitter and cowardly, actually hiding fearfully in the warehouse as Reva hunts him. Obviously too chickens**t to fight her.”
“Luke ran away from his responsibilities and his friends,” he continued the comparison. “Kenobi has run away from his responsibilities and his friends by stopping his training and doing nothing to prepare for coming battles. Luke tossed his lightsaber away. Kenobi buried his lightsaber. Same thing.”
He concluded on, “Luke eats nasty fish. Kenobi eats nasty desert fish. My god people, open your eyes!”

What do you make of Overlord DVD’s analysis of Obi-Wan Kenobi?
NEXT: Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 3 Beats The Last Jedi As The Worst Piece Of Star Wars Ever Created
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