Former G4 Host Frosk Disingenuously Attempts To Frame Actor Henry Cavill As Problematic

In an apparent bid to retain her relevance following the collapse of G4’s recent revival attempt, former network host Indiana “Frosk” Black has attempted – and failed – to frame former Netflix’s The Witcher star Henry Cavill as ‘problematic’.

After three seasons of watching Netflix butcher author Andrzej Sapkowski original work, Cavill announced his exit from the streaming giant’s live-action adaptation of The Witcher on October 29th.

Taking to his personal Instagram account, the Superman actor informed fans that “My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4.”
“In my stead, the fantastic Mr Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf,” he then revealed. “As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam’s take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men.”

Concluding his post with a well-wish for the Hunger Games star, Cavill asserted, “Liam, good sir, this character has such a wonderful depth to him, enjoy diving in and seeing what you can find.”

While many met this news with a mixture of emotions ranging from regret towards the wasted potential of his casting to relief that the actor no longer had to work with such bastardized material, Frosk saw an opportunity to virtue signal.
“Henry Cavil said some very questionable things around #MeToo and dated a 19 year old as 30+,” wrote the former Xplay host. “Seeing people throw themselves at his feet for The Witcher is weird. The show is whatever at best.”

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Frosk’s mention of Cavill’s “questionable” #MeToo comments is a reference to an interview the actor gave to GQ Australia in 2018.
Asked by the publication for his thoughts on the movement, Cavill asserted, “Stuff has to change obviously” before briefly pausing and subsequently adding, “[but] There’s something wonderful about a man chasing a woman.”

“I think a woman should be wooed and chased, but maybe I’m old-fashioned for thinking that,” he continued. ““It’s very difficult to do that if there are certain rules in place. Because then it’s like: ‘Well, I don’t want to go up and talk to her, because I’m going to be called a rapist or something.’”
“Now?” he posited. “Now you really can’t pursue someone further than, ‘No’. It’s like, ‘OK, cool’. But then there’s the, ‘Oh why’d you give up?’ And it’s like, ‘Well, because I didn’t want to go to jail?’”
Meanwhile, her mention of him having “dated a 19-year-old” refers to Cavill’s ex-girlfriend Tara King, a British woman with whom he shared a brief relationship between 2015-2016.

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While Frosk undoubtedly expected her tweet to earn her the praise and adulation of her more gender- and identity-politics obsessed peers, it was instead met with disagreement from nearly everyone who read it – including her own fans and supporters.
“So he was in a consensual adult relationship?” sarcastically asked YouTuber Jake Randall. “Horrifying.”

“Weird way to out yourself,” countered Frosk, disingenuously attempting to dismiss Randall as a sexual ‘creep’. “lol”.
“As someone who is 31, I can’t imagine every dating a teenager,” she said, reaching for any reason to justify her original take. “We are in vastly different lifestages. So while it’s may be legal, most of those relationships are pretty icky with power imbalance.”

Making it clear that “I follow you because I support you. I admired your rant and I think a lot of people totally missed your point. The same way I support you I support a man that was in a loving consensual relationship with another adult,” Randall once again affirmed, “I don’t understand the point of your tweet.”

After having backpedaled from ‘Cavill is akin to a sexual predator’ to ‘I personally would never date someone with whom I had such age gap’, Frosk attempted to again reframe her accusation, this time opining, “When a man had a track record of pretty questionable quotes on MeToo and is dating a teenager, that’s sus.”
“It doesn’t automatically make him a predator or anything, but I find that very questionable behaviour,” she argued, continuing her attempts to brand Cavill with some vague notion of sexual misconduct.

“There’s a very popular song right now by Demi Lovato called 29 which I think covers a lot of issues with what can come with those age gaps pretty clearly,” she added. “But you can also read a lot of different celebrity accounts of massive age gaps in Hollywood and how that can lead to abuse.”

Still attempting to inject some sense into the conversation, Randall clarified, “I’m not saying there isn’t issues with age gaps—I’m 31 and also would not date a 19 year old. But there can be issues in relationships far worse even if the age is equal.”
“There can be loving relationships with age gaps,” he acknowledged. “I just thought it was weird to jump on with no evidence.”

Sharing Cavill’s above GQ Australia interview as her ‘proof’ of Cavill’s uncouth behavior, Frosk was met with the appraisal from a fan that “this one is a misfire“, to which she asserted, “I think he’s weird and the stuff he said, indicative how he thinks.”

“And that it’s weird how much the internet loves him because he likes The Witcher,” she said, minimizing how his genuine love for such ‘nerdy’ properties as The Witcher and World of Warcraft have gone a long in endearing the actor with his fans. “If I have to read another article praising him for being a ‘true gamer’, I’m gonna lose it.”

Finding herself on the losing end of the very discourse she had sparked, Frosk then proceeded to justify her shaming of Cavill on the grounds that he briefly dated former The Mandalorian star Gina Carano.
“It is big YIKES energy,” declared Frosk.

Ultimately, unable to truly garner any real support, Frosk concluded her wild swinging with a pathetic attempt to paint her critics as ‘creeps’.
“A lot of dudes out here thinking dating a teenager when you’re 33 is totally fine because it’s legal,” she concluded. “Yeah, it can be fine. But it can also be pretty f–ked up pretty f–king quick. A LOT OF SELF REPORTS.

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