Animated Film Adaptation Of Shonen Jump Gag Comedy ‘Me & Roboco’ Delayed To 2025 “To Further Improve The Quality Of The Film”

Roboco Taira (Shun Matsuo) puts on a positive spirit in Me & Roboco Episode 12 "Competitive Eating & Roboco" (2023), Gallop
Roboco Taira (Shun Matsuo) puts on a positive spirit in Me & Roboco Episode 12 "Competitive Eating & Roboco" (2023), Gallop

There’s both good news and bad news on the Me & Roboco film front.

The good? The Comedy Queen of Knees’ upcoming movie has received not only a new teaser visual, but also an official release date.

The bad? That date is now roughly three months later than originally planned.

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Roboco Taira (Shun Matsuo) performing on stage in Me & Roboco episode 24 “Idols & Roboco” (2023), Gallop

RELATED: Shonen Jump Comedy Gag Manga Me & Roboco Announces Anime Adaptation

The film was initially announced at the end of the June 2023 broadcast of the Me & Roboco anime’s 28th episode, Knees & Roboco, when the titular robot took to the sky to protect and exploded, only to return with a giant banner unveiling its production.

Motsuo Kaneo (Shunsuke Takeuchi), Gachi Gorilla (Ryotaro Okiayu), Roboco Taira (Shun Matsuo),Bondo Taira (Minami Tsuda) and Meiko (Sae Hiratsuka) learn the news of their cinematic future in Me & Roboco (2023), Gallop

Following this surprise, line drawings of Roboco and the other characters were displayed, along with the announcement of the films original release date Winter 2024.

Motsuo Kaneo (Shunsuke Takeuchi), Gachi Gorilla (Ryotaro Okiayu), Roboco Taira (Shun Matsuo),Bondo Taira (Minami Tsuda) and Madoka (M.A.O) in Me & Roboco (2023), Gallop

RELATED: Shonen Jump’s Queen of Comedy Makes Anime Debut In First Trailer For ‘Me & Roboco’

Fast forward to September 22nd, and alongside a new teaser visual in which Roboco can be seen taking a page out of One Piece protagonist Monkey D. Luffy’s book and going Gear 2, the film’s production committee notified fans via the anime’s official website, (as machine translated via deepL) that the cinematic adventure had been delayed to April 18th, 2025 in order to allow its production team “time to further improve the quality of the film for the enjoyment of a wider audience.”

Roboco goes Gear 2 in the second key visual for Me & Roboco Movie (2025), Gallop

Following the production committee’s announcement, Me & Roboco mangaka Shuhei Miyazaki broke the news to fans through his peronsal Twitter account.

Sharing an original illustration of Roboco Taira sitting in her Director’s Chair and giving out orders with her bullhorn, the mangaka tweeted “The Me & Roboco movie has been delayed. I apologize to all those who have been looking forward to it, but please wait just a little longer. However, I heard the movie will be Ultra Fighting Miracle Bomber [a reference to the attack of the same name, as wielded in Dragon Ball Z by Ginyu Force member Recoome] high quality to compensate for the delay!”

“It seems to be just as interesting as ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train,” he added. “So if you went to see Demon Slayer, you should definitely go see Roboco to see if that’s true. I promise.”

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Shuhei Miyazaki (@roboco_hizanapa) via Twitter

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