Chuck Dixon Reacts To Marvel’s Destruction Of The Punisher: “He Looks Like A Fool And A Complete Nutjob”

Punisher #12 Variant Cover by Jung-Geun Yoon (2023), Marvel Comics

Long-time Punisher writer and the upcoming writer on the Rippaverse’s Alphacore book Chuck Dixon reacted to Jason Aaron’s conclusion of his Punisher series.

After eschewing Frank Castle’s iconic skull logo and taking away his arsenal of various firearms and explosives, Jason Aaron concluded his 12-issue Punisher series by revealing that his wife Maria intended to divorce him before she and their children were gunned down by mobsters in New York City.

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After being informed of Maria’s intentions, Castle, who had previously been depicted as a struggling Catholic, prays to the Beast to grant him one last wish.

That wish is apparently granted as Castle commits suicide with the powers of the Beast that removes himself from existence with Doctor Strange remarking, “I mean the Punisher is no more.”

However, Castle did not seemingly die, but he transported himself to Weirdworld where he’s taken at least four orphans under his wing and built a shelter to keep them safe.

He’s also depicted wielding a giant axe.

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Dixon reacted to this telling Rippaverse founder Eric July, “I don’t know who I feel sorry for more the last couple weeks that Toronto Blue Jays player or Frank Castle because they’re both getting the same treatment. The Toronto Blue Jay, they made him apologize, it looked like had a gun to his head and then they made him throw out the first pitch in the Pride Day game, and then they fired him, and they brought in a bunch of people to boo him.”

Turning to Castle he remarked, “Now, Frank Castle we find out not only do they completely redo his origin, but they turn him into a fool. I mean he looks a fool and a complete nutjob. They’ve done everything they could to destroy this character.”

“And quite frankly Marvel’s never liked the Punisher,” he continued. “They’ve always been looking for a reason to get rid of him and now they’ve done it. And I don’t blame Jason Aaron other than the fact that he’s just following orders. This was editorially driven. An individual writer doesn’t decide to do this. This comes from upstairs. We’re embarrassed and we’re going to get rid of the Punisher.”

Dixon then asserted, “And the thing is they not only attack Frank Castle, they attack the people that like to read Punisher. ‘They’re all idiots and troglodytes.'”

He would later add, “It’s unprecedented. I’ve never seen a company destroy their own characters purposely, just eliminating them. It’s crazy.”

While Dixon does not fault Aaron, in the book Aaron claims the series is “one of the proudest moments of my twenty-year comic-book writing career.”

He also notes, “This is a story I’ve wanted to tell for many years, and I am grateful to all involved at Marvel Comics for making it happen.”

RELATED: As Marvel Kills The Punisher, Longtime ‘Punisher’ Creator Chuck Dixon Announces ‘Black Warrant’ Series

Dixon along with Arkhaven Comics Publisher Vox Day announced they would be creating a new series, Black Warrant, in the vein of the Punisher that will also launch a new superhero universe.

Dixon detailed, “It’s not exactly a secret that the Punisher is my favorite character to write. For whatever reason I have an affinity for the guy and the stories came easily. But, if we’re being honest, Frank Castle was never a good fit at Marvel Comics.”

“There were always restrictions when writing about him,” Dixon elaborated. “Editors waved me off for ‘going too far.’”

“Now I’m working on Black Warrant which is in the same vigilante justice genre except the guardrails, training wheels and safety bumpers have been taken off,” Dixon explained.

He added, “I’m allowed to take this genre in places it’s never been taken and having a blast doing it.”

RELATED: Chuck Dixon Diagnoses Why DC And Marvel Comic Books Suck

Publisher Vox Day provided details on the new superhero universe, “Black Warrant will be the first superhero in a brand new superhero universe from Arkhaven Comics. The first script by the Legend is complete and the illustrating process is already underway. Helix Haze, the excellent illustrator of Alt★Hero: Q, is the illustrator.”

Day added, “Black Warrant will be joined by Red Hornet, created by Vox Day, and another superhero who has been created by a third creator whose name will be very familiar to everyone here. The shared universe will not be part of the Alt★Hero universe, but will harken back to the Silver Age superheroes and will extend in time over a century from the dawn of the 20th Century to today.”

Not only is Dixon working on Black Warrant, but he also discussed with July that he’s working on another title within the Rippaverse. Dixon relayed, “Me and my artist on Alphacore … we got excited about this whole universe, brand new superhero universe with someone who gives a damn about producing quality comics and we’re like, ‘Okay, let’s do this.’ And in the middle of it we thought, well, we’d like to create our own character here, a solo character, sort of a more street level, street-based crime fighter.”

“So we kicked around a few ideas and I presented them to you … and then finally last week you said go ahead and I’m already into it. I’ll have this script done next week, easy.”

What do you make of Dixon’s comments on Marvel Comics and Jason Aaron’s most recent Punisher series?

NEXT: Chuck Dixon: “DC And Marvel Seem To Be In Some Sort Of A Suicide Pact With Themselves To Destroy American Comics”

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