Daily Kos Accuses ‘Punisher’ Writer Mike Baron Of “Stochastic Terrorism,” Gerry Conway Chimes In With His Own Smears And Kickstarter Shuts Down ‘Private American’ Campaign

Private American cover by Dan Lawlis

Punisher writer Mike Baron is the victim of a false-flag mass reporting campaign that resulted in his Kickstarter being banned. The banning comes after the Daily Kos featured the campaign in an article, libeling Baron and his book as racist.

Ever since launching the Private American comic book on multiple crowdfunding platforms, Baron has been harassed by left-wing activists who have attacked him. The book is overtly political, featuring a border patrol agent who hunts down fentanyl dealers. Even though he’s been accused of racism many times, the border patrol agent protagonist is a dark-skinned Hispanic man presented in a positive light.

RELATED: The Comics Subreddit Bans Mike Baron’s ‘Thin Blue Line’ For “Misinformation And Racism”

Baron has already suffered having the book’s professional Twitter account suspended, having the comic book subreddit ban his content from being mentioned, and finally, IndieGoGo shadowbanning his campaign by having it unsearchable on their website. The radical left in the online comic book community has done everything in its power to ensure the book couldn’t get seen by potential customers.

They escalated their attacks on Baron last week when Starr Mignon posted an article on the Daily Kos titled “Punisher writer Mike Baron releases another Racist AF comic book.”

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In the rambling article, Mignon refers to the Private American as “stochastic terrorism disguised as a funny book” and labels Mike Baron as a “stochastic terrorist.”

The terminology of stochastic terrorism has become popular in far-left circles as of late, by which they mean rhetoric that can lead to inciting violence. This is used because the content they label as such doesn’t actually call for any violence, but they want to have an excuse to silence political speech they don’t like, and so they convince their followers that it has the potential to create violent incidents.

Even the definition of stochastic terrorism, according to Dictionary.com, is nebulous. It claims the violence is “statistically probable” yet “cannot be predicted.” The result is anything can be labeled as such, even a fictional comic book that has a positive representation of a minority who fights against narcotics smugglers.

Mignon and Daily Kos also encouraged their readers to report the campaign and described the graphic novel as a “domestic terrorist handbook” and claimed it “would fit perfectly on a Klansman’s book shelf between The Turner Diaries and Mien Kampf.”

Mignon wrote, “We urge anyone who is as offended by this domestic terrorist handbook for bubblegum brains, to contact support@kickstarter.comand tell them ‘Hate has no place anywhere, let alone their platform where decent people go to bring their hopes and dreams to life to make the world a better place’.”

RELATED: BANNED: Twitter Suspends Mike Baron’s ‘Private American’ Account

Bleeding Fool Editor Chris Braly, who also serves as the campaign manager for Private American reported he sent Daily Kos an email requesting them to remove their article describing it as a “defamatory post.”

This request was ignored. Braly reports “within a few hours” of sending his email to Daily Kos the Kickstarter campaign was indefinitely suspended.

Despite Kickstarter approving the project before launch, their message to Braly regarding the campaign stated it violated Kickstarter’s policy on “inappropriate content, including but not limited to explicit or pornographic material” and “hateful or offensive content that fails to meet Kickstarter’s spirit of inclusivity by promoting discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance towards marginalized groups.”

Kickstarter then informed Braly, “As a result, your project has been suspended. This means that all funding has been stopped and backers will not be charged for their pledges. Once a project is suspended it cannot resume funding. No further action is required on your part.”

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Not only did Kickstarter suspend the campaign, but Punisher creator Gerry Conway took notice of the Daily Kos article and requested a correction to the article given it initially claimed Baron was the creator of Punisher. However, he also took the opportunity to smear Baron as well.

Conway wrote on Twitter, “Daily Kos— Mike Baron is *not* the Punisher creator; the actual creators of the Punisher condemn his assholery and the white fascist embrace of the Punisher symbol. Please correct your headline.”

Double standards are held all the time, with these sites allowing vile political speech from the left, but when something has mild political content from the right, they make it impossible for creators to sell their products.

The bannings and shadowbannings are becoming more frequent recently, a bad omen for independent creators who rely on sites like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo for their promotion.

What do you think about Kickstarter suspending Private American? What about the smears from Daily Kos and Gerry Conway?

NEXT: Interview: Mike Baron’s ‘Private American’ Fills Void Left by Woke Punisher And Captain America

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