‘Superman: Son Of Kal-El’ Writer Tom Taylor Keeps Embracing Woke Politics, Teases Gay Marriage For Jon Kent And Boyfriend Jay Nakamura In New Issue

Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1 #5 "Who's Got You?" (2021), DC Comics. Art by John Timms and Gabe Eltaeb.

It appears that the entire strategy behind Superman: Son of Kal-El is to attempt to generate partisan political outrage for media attention. In the just-released issue #14, the creative team doubles down by having Superman and his male companion flirt with the idea of gay marriage.

Since it was first revealed that the character Jon Kent was going to have a homosexual relationship — as a seventeen-year-old high schooler with a college-age boy — DC has pushed the title further into woke activism.

After an extremely publicized gay kiss in issue #5 of the series, writer Tom Taylor doubled down on injecting extreme-Left politics into the book by having the new Superman march for climate justice.

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The controversial writer elaborated in an interview that he was intentionally going to go into politics in the story, declaring, “The question for Jon (and for our creative team) is, what should a new Superman fight for today? Can a seventeen-year-old Superman battle giant robots while ignoring the climate crisis? Of course not.”

In the same interview, Taylor implied that Superman would also be going to the border to assist illegal aliens, calling illegal crossings “the plight of asylum seekers.”

According to industry rumors, sales have not done well for the title, the book propped up by DC’s editorial throughout its decline. Though we do not have full numbers on current DC Comics like they used to have before switching from Diamond Distribution, we have indicators that the book is not performing as well as a Superman title should be.

Taylor has been defensive over the sales of Superman, Son of Kal-El, posting to Twitter to claim the known numbers are inaccurate, often citing Amazon category sales ranks to try to prove how well the book is doing. However, upon cursory research of how Amazon rankings work, it appears as if the book has only been selling a handful of copies per day on the site. 

RELATED: Tom Taylor And DC Comics’ Gay Superman Book Completely Falls Off Top 50 Sales Chart

In the current issue, Superman and his boyfriend launch an attack on a place called Gamorra, where they encounter his boyfriend’s mother. It’s unclear if Taylor used intentional irony by naming a homosexual’s home Gamorra by referencing Sodom and Gamorra from the Biblical story.

RELATED: Superman: Son of Kal-El Writer Tom Taylor Says Jon Kent Being “An Empathetic Young Bi Guy” Is “Far More Heroic Than Somebody Punching A Supervillain In The Face”

On one page, Jon Kent holds up a ring to his boyfriend, Jay Nakamura, who asks the question, “A ring?” following up with, “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be on one knee for this.” It’s followed by an awkward exchange by the two male characters who have been increasing the intensity of their homosexual relationship since the fifth issue.

Long-time Superman fans are not impressed by the forced displays of diversity within DC Comics’ main line. One fan stated on social media, “I have gay-fatigue. They’re writing this crap like it’s a slice-of-life manga rather than a superhero comic.”

“They have a one-trick pony and it’s sexuality swap,” the user continued.

Another pointed out the age differences between the two characters, tweeting, “Frankly, I am more surprised no one brings up Jon is like 16 and the other guy is in college. This is peak predditor.”

Thomas “Cider” Burpee, the creator of The Colossals superhero comic on Kickstarter, gave his take on the issue, echoing the sentiment of many fans, saying, “Would they just STOP confusing sex for plot? PLEASE! Do they really want Jon Kent remembered as just an LGB Superman?”

“Is that all he can achieve in DC’s eyes?” the user further inquired, adding, “I miss heroes that focused on saving people, not their sex life.”

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DC Comics continues to push their woke identity politics in superhero books, and it’s not clear who they intend to try to get to follow these stories, as the publisher refuses to listen to fan sentiment opposing plots descending into LGBTQ politics.

It’s no wonder fans and readers are clamoring for something different, flocking to books like Eric July’s Isom #1 in droves, the book nearly reaching 40,000 sales as of this writing.

What do you think about Superman’s faux-gay marriage proposal? Leave a comment and let us know.

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